Osolette Settlement in Parllos | World Anvil
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Osolette is one of two major human cities in the far northeast of Parllos. It sits at the western base of the Human Cradle Mountains range on the northern banks of the Osole River. It is a sprawling city that spreads away from the shoreline and up the hillsides leading toward the mountains. The city is built with white granite from nearby quarrys and give the city is unique beauty. It is said that while Osolette might now be the more powerful of the two, it was certainly the more pleaseant city to look upon.


The Osolette Protectorate is the governing body of the city. It is a military hierarchy structured as follows:

  • Captains General: Three ruling members and highest ranking officers of the Protectorate.
  • Executive Corps: Contains the various ministry offices needed to run the city, as well as the Executive Guard. They ministry offices are:
    • Ministry of Housing
    • Ministry of Science
    • Ministry of Ships
    • Ministry of Defence
    • Ministry of Coin
  • Beuracratic Corps: City officials and staff needed for daily operations of the government.

Industry & Trade

  • Fishing
  • Agriculture
  • Rare Mineral Mining
  • Clothing & Linens


Listed from North to South:

  • Miner Town
  • Eridine's Hill
  • Timber Shore
  • Osolette Port
  • Castle District
  • Samanthera Basin
  • Low Hills


Osolette was founded at the beginning of the Ash Age when Eridine Osole led an expedition following the river out of the Human Cradle Mountains from thier small camp settlement at the top of the Samanthera Falls.



According to early writing it took nearly a month to descend from the mountains, and when Osole and his group reached flat grassland at the bottom the immediatly stopped and declared the spot worthy of settlement. The first structures were crude and impermanent, created using deadwood and leather; and Osolette acted more like a trade and basecamp than a settlement. After creating some initial infrustructure the first expeditioners took turns performing thier secondary task, bringing the rest of the settlers down the mountain. The group that came to be known as "The Guides" as they made the thier round trips trip bringing new people down with them each time. So as more and more settlers made the trek down the mountains, the sturdier and more permanent the building became, and within a year a small village dotted the northern bank of the, now named, Osole river.



With the city growing the question of who should govern and how became more and more a topic of discussion. It was decided after the only city-wide election ever held, that Eridine Osole and Oscar Samanthera would both lead the city and it's armed forces as a Protectorate of it's people, they would do this under the title of Captain General, and the Captain's General would rule as a pair, title to be passes to sucessor or next highest ranking officer within the City Command.


Blockade of Arlint Bay

Blockade of Arlint Bay.    

Hrodgier's Empire

In 622 during the Protectorate reign or Rowan Hrodgier and Deadra Fole a war was started with the city of Arlint which led to the death of Deadra and the establishment of Hrodgier's Empire. The center of this new empire was Arlint where Hrodgier built his new palace and endevoured to run both cities from the western side of the mountains. While the new government was being founded a power vaccum that had been filling since the start of the war was starting to leave a bloody stain across the city. Factions began forming, headed by high ranking military officers with no orders except to keep peace in the city. When news reached the city of the end to the war and the new impoerical seat the factions began fighting, each battling to prove themselves the best at keeping peace and the city running smoothly.   The factions tht lost this city-wide battle went to ground, and through the years of the empire would stand, alone or allied, in rebellion against the empire and Osolette rule in particular.   . . .



After word reached the city of Hrodgier's death, and the cessession of hosilities from the wooden forest creatures, OSolette sent emesaries to Arlnit to discuss what was to be done with the power vacuum. When it was decided that the two cities should dissolve the imperial government and return to thier original status as city-states. Later, when redrawing the articles allowing for the Captains General to take power once again, it was decided that a third Captains General be added as a safeguard against future power grabs.

Points of interest


Located on the western slopes of the Human Cradle Mountain range, the mountains offer protection on three sides of the city, the fourth is open to the shallow Traversable Sea. The city itself is a sprawling metropolis that spreads from the sea toward the mountains. The city's surrounding resources are mines and quarrys to the north and farm land on the hills to the south as well as fishing in the nearby sea waters. One of the quarrys offers an abundance of white granite stone that gives the city its unique beauty.


  • Osolette (map)
Founding Date
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
Owning Organization

Articles under Osolette

Ash Age

0 410

Dawn Age

410 660


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