I. Ravengro Jail

Ravengro itself has never been a crime-ridden town (despite—or perhaps because of—the presence of Harrowstone), and its relatively small jail has always been more than enough to handle the town’s criminals (mostly public drunkards, vandals, or other minor thugs who rarely spend more than a few days in a cell). Indeed, the cells are typically empty, which is fine with the town’s sheriff, Benjan Caeller. Yet despite the town’s dearth of criminal activity, the sheriff likes to keep a tight lid on things by employing four part-time deputies: Leromar, Riff, Trestleblade, and Vrodish. Each of these deputies spends a few days per week working as farmhands on one or more of the outlying homesteads. Most of the policework involves keeping order at the town taverns and making sure everyone stays calm and honest when the tax collectors from Caliphas ride through town.


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