E. Temple of Pharasma

This temple is devoted to Pharasma, the Lady of Graves. Ravengro’s only religious structure, the temple is also the town’s most elaborate building. Its eastern facade displays an intricate stained-glass mural depicting a stern Pharasma judging Count Andachi, one of Tamrivena’s most infamous previous rulers.   Vauran Grimburrow is officially in charge of the temple, but the day-to-day tending of the flock and maintenance of the temple and the Restlands are largely seen to by a dozen acolytes. The sale of minor magic items (particularly potions of cure light wounds, potions of lesser restoration, and holy water) are also the acolytes’ responsibility.

Current offerings for sale:

  • single dose of incense of meditation
  • a +1 silver morningstar
  • a wand of cure moderate wounds (19 charges)
  • a scroll of restoration
Temple / Church
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