Session 63: Royal Flush

General Summary

In our demon disguises, we flee the scene of our crime. We make sure to be very public with our presence, darting through the marketplaces and such before disappearing in the jungles. We drop the demon forms and make our way back to the manor, feigning shock when we see guards combing the area for Sunyeros’s killer. They refuse to let us inside, fearing that as the heir, I’ll be the next target; but I assure them that I’ve been assassinated before so it’s no big deal. They’re horrified, but Industria eventually gets us in by convincing them that we can and will totally resurrect my grandma and in we go. We have to make this display as authentic as possible though in order to keep up the rouse and somehow we manage to do so without slipping up.   With my status, the guards order us to evacuate. We grab the tiefling babies and are escorted to a secure home within the jungle far from prying eyes. Industria has teleports a few Order members to act as my personal guards, making sure to keep the actual family guards away from us as we plan our next move. We get to catch up with Ilyana, who’s grown and an absolute beefcake now…and also in love with a dorky wizard that’s accompanying her. While Ilyana shows off all her new moves and spends her time intimidating Jordeira, we have Elathera rush to grab my father because we want these orphaned babies to have a proper family. Thankfully, after explaining the entire situation to him (which he’s horrified by, but honestly not surprised he agrees to be the guardian of these itty bitty tiefling kitties.     Everyone’s fawning over them, Lucky and Jordeira especially, so we agree to let the babies stay overnight with us before they’re teleported back to Florence with my dad. Overwhelming conversation leads us to decide that we need to unite the royal families under one singular government. Unfortunately for me, that means if our plans to unite them work out, I’ll be the acting queen of Basilla. Me…the impulsive, emotional disaster; now about to lead a nation I’m not even that familiar with. My coronation is in three days, so we have to hurry and find dirt on the other royals to blackmail them into this treaty plan and we also have to draft an entire constitution. Totally simple, right?     But rather than focusing on that daunting task, we choose to poke fun at Industria and her attraction to immortals, stating she should hook up with Pandemonius if that’s the case. With enough pressing to piss her off, Elathera goes to detect her desires and I’m caught in the crossfire. The big secret’s out that I’m the one with the major crush on our friendly neighborhood demon lord, so it’s my turn to be thrown to the fire as everyone judges me. Feeling guilty about my barely contained lust for him, I sneak out in the morning to go buy gifts to shower my husband in. Ilyana catches me and tags along in case anything goes wrong and spoiler alert; everything goes wrong! We pass some shady, well-dressed characters in an alley, but I express some self-control and ignore them.     Bad mistake on my part, but I don’t realize that until I finish buying the gifts and walk outside. I get my own gift in the form of an arrow to my head, but I’m sure these assassins are pissing themselves over the fact that that wasn’t enough to kill me. Ilyana wants to fight, but I tell her we have to get the others, so off to the manor we go! I urge her to make sure we’re not followed, but seeing as how she’s staring down at her tiny aunt with a fucking arrow in her head; there’s no such thing as caution. Only mild panic until Industria races out of the manor to patch me up. We hurry inside and let everyone know what’s happening, making sure my father and the babies get out of here safely before we do anything more.     Elathera scries on the assassins using the arrow that was yoinked out of my skull, and we’re treated to the sight of them getting a pep talk from their leader. He’s jazzed about this assignment, giving a roaring speech about how they’re gonna kill me so hard. They plan to flank the manor and keep to the shadows, so with that information, we can turn their own ambush around on them. While the rest of us go invisible and hide ourselves upstairs to strike, Elathera sets up animated hallucinations of us going about our days. Such as an injured me laying in bed and resting, Industria and Elathera fixing up breakfast for everyone; completely mundane things to throw the assassins off. They arrive, striking one of the other hallucinations before the one of me which throws that plan out of the window.     They know we’re ready for them so all bets are off. While the party goes at the assassins in the hall and bedroom, the captain tries sneaking up the side of the building…only to meet me as I launch myself out of the window to claw him up. We’re both sent plummeting to the ground in time for Industria to teleport the Colossus of Life into the fight. It proceeds to literally squish two of the assassins to death and partially destroy the manor and Elathera manages to “imprison” one of the others. In the fray though, someone manages to successfully assassinate Rikius and while I go overkill on the captain, I hear the others screaming for my husband. Fearing the worst, I frantically climb up, but before I’m treated to the sight of his corpse; Industria uses breath of life and he urges everyone to pretend like this never happened.     I’m thankful to see him alive and don’t know that anything’s up. We both carefully tend to each other and patch each other up while Elathera interrogates the last assassins left. She learns they were hired by the Gatto family. They caught wind of Sunyeros’s death and rather than wait around for an arranged marriage to bring them and the Kociaks together, they figured we were weakened enough to overthrow completely. We pay them the money they were promised from Rywa, but also a little extra to get them on our side. They’re to return to the Gattos and tell them that their mission was a success. While there, they’re to make a map of their entire estate and spy on them before, after, and during the coronation event.     With the guards on their way, we bid Marisol and Vicrim farewell and throw a disguise on me and tell the guards I was never even here. So now we’re tasked with helping the guards find me and Rywa will probably have about five heart attacks when I rise from the dead in time for my coronation.

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Report Date
04 May 2021
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