Kraughton Paka

Kraughton Monkith Paka (a.k.a. Krag, Monki, Coda)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A former member of a particularly brutal gang known as the Black Fang, Krag spent many years of his youth causing nothing but trouble for bandits and villagers alike. He was know as "Coda" in those days, symbolizing his tendency to put an end to any situation without much effort. After incapacitating a rival gang thanks to a traitorous member of theirs, Krag soon found himself in the company of a runaway noble named Asri. The two clicked instantly and it wasn't long before the two were inseparable. After a few years, Krag was struggling with the guilt and regret from his life of violence.   So when Asri fell pregnant, he jumped at the chance to settle down. The money he acquired over the years secured him some land on the outskirts of Florence and spent much of Asri's pregnancy building them a place they could call home. With the home finished and his new bundle of joy, his relationship with his wife became more and more strained. Asri longed for freedom, but he wasn't willing to raise his child on the road. Resentment grew between them, but the love they had was too hard to let go of. After years of raising a family beside her, Asri disappeared, giving Krag a sense of relief that he didn't know he needed.   Those years were rough, but he was a hard-working man who kept a roof over his family's head and food on the table. He had grown to be the exact opposite of the persona he adopted for the Black Fang, going from an executioner to a teddy bear in no time. Whatever records of his crimes that existed turned up missing and with no way to prove that he was the dreaded "Coda", he was left to live in peace. Almost a decade later, it all caught up with him. He found himself in the firing line of the military, his records removed from secrecy by a vengeful politician.   Coda had met his own end.   While Krag thought over his life in a small prison cell, his daughter was hard at work to find anything to clear his name. With options dwindling and lawyers unable to grant him freedom, Zakina decided it was time to fire back. Through her connections and her own sneaky ways, she found dirt on that politician and anyone else involved. Without a second thought, she put their secrets and corruption on blast in a scathing newspaper article. All her evidence was turned over to the authorities, leading to the arrest of several individuals. With enough push from Kina and her fiercest connections, Krag was released and allowed to go home.   Nowadays, Krag tends to the ten acres of farmland he now owns. He's a pillar in the community, offering aid to those who ask for it. He throws yearly autumn festivals at the farm, offering tours and gifts to all the families that pass through. While he has no problem admitting that he wasn't a good man in his past, he doesn't like to speak about his time with Black Fang. His scars are a constant reminder of the pain he put not only himself through, but so many others; but he hopes the gods can forgive him with enough time and kindness on his part.

Gender Identity




Personality Characteristics


Krag desires a sense of community with those around him and will stop at nothing to build it.  He's fueled by a need to take care of not only his family,  but his neighbors as well.  All he wants out of life is to be a good son,  a loving father,  and a beam of sunshine to those who need some happiness in their life.


Kraughton Paka

boyfriend (Vital)

Towards Grendishi Amall



Grendishi Amall

girlfriend (Important)

Towards Kraughton Paka



Kraughton Paka

ex-husband (Important)

Towards Asri Kociak



Asri Kociak

ex-wife (Trivial)

Towards Kraughton Paka



Neutral Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
December 3rd
Trieste, Caelsimil
Grendishi Amall (girlfriend)
Asri Kociak (ex-wife)
Current Residence
Florence, Caelsimil
Deep brown irises with amber scelera.
Long, black, and dreaded.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm, dark brown without any markings.
335 lbs


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