Frank Zhang

Frank Zhang

Frank Zhang (also known as Fai Zhang by his grandmother) is a Roman Demigod, the son of Mars and Emily Zhang, as well as a legacy of Poseidon. Frank is one of the seven demigods mentioned in the Prophecy of Seven and was a former male Praetor of the Twelfth Legion Fulminata before passing the position on to his successor, Isaia Jackson - the son of one of his friends. He is currently married to fellow former Praetor, Hazel Levesque.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As seen in The Son of Neptune, Frank is a teenage boy of Chinese descent with a large and stocky frame. He has a babyish face with brown eyes and close-cropped black hair; according to Percy, Frank's face doesn't really work with his burly build and his military haircut, and the contrast makes him look like a toddler who'd taken steroids and joined the Marines. He has also been described by Hazel as looking like a koala bear with muscles and by Leo as loooking like a baby sumo wrestler. His Camp Jupiter tattoo is composed of an image of two crossed spears above the initials SPQR and a single bar line beneath, given to him as a requirement for centurionship despite the fact that he had not been a part of Camp Jupiter for an entire year.   After being given the Blessing of Mars in The House of Hades, Frank's appearance changed dramatically. He became taller, and he lost his babyish face, becoming even more handsome. His body became stronger and more imposing as his shoulders became broader and more muscular. He also lost his stomach fat, becoming lean, but muscular. Accordding to Hazel, he became "warlike handsome" and was described as fit enough to play football.   By The Tyrant's Tomb, Frank's natural weight caught up with his magical growth spurt, with Apollo saying he returned to being a "big, girthy guy" with chubby "baby cheeks" - only larger and more muscular than before.   Frank is very tall. He was 6'3" in The Son of Neptune, and grew 2-3 inches taller after receiving the Blessing of Mars. This would make him either 6'5" or 6'6".

Special abilities

As one of the Seven, a child of Mars and the descendant of Poseidon through the god's grandson Periclymenus, Frank is immensely powerful - being able to singlehandedly defeat huge mobs of monsters and giants as well as accomplishing many other impressive feats.  

General Abilities

  • Latin: As a Roman demigod, Frank can speak and understand a degree of Latin.
  • French (limited): Frank can speak some Canadian French, having studied it in school, though he is not fluent. It is so different from Hazel's Louisiana French that they can barely communicate.
  • Chinese (limited): Frank can speak and read some Chinese, though he is not fluent.
  • Leadership: Despite having poor self-esteem at the start, Frank is shown to be an amazing leader as he led the Fifth Cohort to victory in The Son of Neptune, led the rest of the Seven to victory many times, and was a Praetor of the Twelfth Legion. He is stated to be one of the best praetors that the legion had ever had.
  • Demigod Abilities

    Son of Mars
  • Telumkinesis: As a son of Mars, he is an expect with all weapons and may have some magical control over them. He is shown to be a skilled archer, swordsman and spearman.
  • Archery: Frank's weapon of choice is a bow and arrow. Being the son of Mars, the war god, he is extremely accurate and masterful in shooting - maybe even similarly skilled to the children of Apollo. Frank even managed to design different kinds of arrows for different functions. For example, his Hydra Arrows could string together enemies, tying them up or pinning them to walls. Hazel had even described Frank as the best archer she ever met.
  • Swordmanship: Though he does not usually fight with a sword, Frank, being a son of the war god, is a very skilled swordman, and defeated over 100 Katoblepones with Hazel's spatha. He also picked up a sword from a fallen monster, using it to destroy many monsters.
  • Fighting Skills: Being a son of Mars, Frank is a naturally skilled fighter even for a demigod. He defeated many of his Roman allies in the war games, defeated an army of monsters in the House of Hades, beat the giant, Alcyoneus, with Hazel's help, and destroyed over a hundred Katoblepones single-handedly - most of which he did with little prior experience. He has shown that he is a skilled swordsman, spearman, archer, and hand-to-hand combatant. When he and his friends were fighting off a horde of monsters, Piper had even described him as 'terrifying'.
  • Physically Enhanced: Being a son of Mars, Frank is stronger than an average mortal and even an average demigod. He is strong enough to tackle 3 heavily armed Roman soldiers. He had even knocked out a powerful giant by hitting him over the head with a shield, and broke a golden pilum over a demigod's head. After receiving the Blessing of Mars in The House of Hades, however, Frank "unleashed a hurricane of violence" and destroyed over a hundred Katoblepones single-handedly. In addition, he became even stronger. Strong enough to slam a full grown god to the wall, even holding him a chokehold without allowing him to break out. Out of the Seven, Frank is probably the most physically strong. He is also very tall and muscular as he is 6'5" or 6'6" tall.
  • Superhuman Durability: As a son of Mars, Frank is more durable than most demigods.
  • Superhuman Agility: As a son of Mars, Frank is more agile than most demigods.
  • Tactician: Frank has been shown to have great skill in battle planning and leadership. It is also the gift that Mars gave him.
  • Necromancy (limited): Frank can control dead ghosts and skeletons of ancient Roman Legionnaires, as shown towards the end of The House of Hades and spirits of the dead who lost a war - though his power over them is still limited. Once Jason promoted him to the rank of Praetor, Frank was able to command an entire ghost legion.
  • Father's Voices: In The House of Hades, it is revealed that Ares' and Mars' voices have been constantly bickering and yelling inside of Frank's head ever since Leo started a civil war between both camps at the beginning of The Mark of Athena, though this is likely unintentional on Mars' part. Frank can somewhat control both voices, and even ask them for advice.
  • Blessing of Mars: Frank is enveloped by a red light that gives him invulnerability and superhuman strength, similar to the curse of Achilles. He has received it twice: in Venice and in the House of Hades.
  • Odikinesis (possibly): As a son of Mars, he presumably has some control over emotions of war such as fear, hatred, or anger - though he had not demonstrated this ability.
  • Legacy of Poseidon
  • Shapeshifting: Frank has the limited ability to change into any animal he wishes, mythical or real - although the animal can't be completely out of the ordinary, such as an elephant mixed with a lion. However, this ability is easier to use during times of danger and battle or if he knows the animal well. The animal itself is also much stronger if Frank knows it well. Frank has so far turned into an elephant, an eagle, a grizzly bear, a weasel, a seal, a dragon, a crow, an iguana, a snake, a koi fish, a dolphin, a gorilla, a bulldog, a rhinoceros, a swarm of bees, and a lion. After receiving the Blessing of Mars, Frank's shapeshifting becomes more fluid and less tiring, as he could begin an attack in human form and finish as an animal.
  • Specialized Equipment

    Magical Item

    • Frank's Spear: A gift from the god Mars,s before Frank left on his quest. The spear is tipped with a dragon tooth, allowing Frank to summon the spartus Gray. The spear however only had three charges so that Frank had enough time to learn his family gift. After the third charge was used, the spear vanished.
    • Arrows: Being a skilled archer, Frank managed to design different kinds of arrows for different functions. For example, his Hydra Arrows could string together enemies, tying them up or pinning them to walls. Frank also carries around Imperial Gold arrows in case of monster attacks.
    • Gorgon Blood (formerly): Before Percy used the vials of blood in a bet with Phineas, Frank carried around two bottles of Gorgon Blood, one of them healed while the other killed. Frank picked up the vialss after Percy killed the Gorgons. While Frank wanted to use them to prevent his life stick from burning, Percy thought that he picked them up because he didn't want Percy to be seen carrying poison into Camp Jupiter.
    • Burned Stick (formerly): Because Frank is too powerful, being the son of Mars and being a descendant of Poseidon, Frank's life is connected to a piece of firewood. If the stick ever burns up, Frank will die. Frank gave the stick to Hazel Levesque as he was told giving it to someone he trusts could prolong his life. In The House of Hades, he asks Hazel for it back after Leo gave him his fire-proof bag. The stick burns with the fire of life, allowing Frank to melt the chains that held Thanatos. By making it burn so to defeat Caligula, he took control of his destiny and became free of his curse.
    • Fire-proof bag: Made by Calypso at Leo's request. It was given to the son of Mars when Leo was reunited with the seven to keep his stick safe. The bag is small and white in colour with a gold pull string; it is fire-proof and allows the stick to breath and can only open when he wishes so. Frank kept it tied to his belt.
    • Frank's Bow: As Leo figures out, Frank's bow has a camouflage ability to turn into a backpack whenever Frank wills it to. He can actually hold things in the backpack and whenever his bow is in its bow form, the possessions in the bag somehow disappear and reappear when he wills it into backpack form.
    • Gladius: During the War Games, Frank drew a gladius though reluctantly when he ran out of arrows.

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Before the Series

    Early Life
    On June 5, 1994, Frank was born to Mars, the Roman god of war, and mortal military soldier Emily Zhang. From his mother, he is a descendant of Periclymenus, who was a grandson of Poseidon and a member of the Argonauts, hence making him a legacy of Poseidon. His whole family was blessed by the god with the power to shift into any kind of animal, mythical or living from human form. In the absence of his immortal father, Frank's grandmother helped to raise him after his mother died in a military accident in Afghanistan a while before her son turned 16 and went to Camp Jupiter.   Frank combined his ancestral gift with the powers that he inherited from his divine parent. As such, he was considered to be dangerously powerful, and it was decreed that he would have a short life. During the night of his birth, Juno appeared to his family and pointed out a piece of timber in the hearth, warning that is it was burned entirely, he would die.   In school, he learned some Canadian French and won a spelling bee.  
    Death of Mother and Journey South
    On the day of his mother's funeral, his grandmother informed him of their family history and told him that he is the son of Romaan god. She explained that his life force was tied to a piece of wood, which she gave to him, and told him to keep it safe. His grandmother gave him the piece of firewood and told him that he would soon be leaving to go to Camp Jupiter that night.   Lupa and her wolf pack soon arrived at the Zhang Mansion, and he went through the usual process of proving his strength at the Wolf Manor. Frank arrived at Camp Jupiter about a month after Jason Grace disappeared, and was still on Probatio when Percy Jackson arrived.  
    Explaining his Lineage
    When Frank arrived at Camp, his grandmother instructed him to go to the Praetor and tell her that his great-grandfather was Shen Lun and to beg forgiveness for what Shen Lun did (it is later revealed he created an earthquake accidentally which almost entirely destroyed Camp Jupiter), though she refused to tell him what he did at the time. When Frank arrived at camp, he went to Reyna Ramírez-Arellano and did as he was instructed. Reyna told him she judged people by their own merits, not what their ancestors did. However, she did tell him not to mention Shen Lun to the other campers at Camp Jupiter, as they'd be less forgiving than her.  

    The Heroes of Olympus

    The Son of Neptune
    When Percy Jackson reaches Camp Jupiter, one of the Gorgons gets hold of Frank, almost killing him. Percy uses the water of the Tiber River to forge giant hands, causing the Gorgons to release Frank as Percy finally destroys them by ripping them apart in large whirlpoolss. Hazel Levesque helps pull him to safety after Percy creates the whirlpools. Frank then retrieves 2 ceramic vials each with blood from the right and left sides of the Gorgons as Spoils of War.   Frank had always been good at archery and hoped that it would be Apollo who would claim him, especially since he's only been at Camp Jupiter for six weeks after the death of his mother, Emily Zhang. Frank later meets up with Hazel and Percy again and they work together in the evening's war games. Frank has Hazel guide them through the tunnels underneath the fortifications and Percy destroys the water cannons. Frank then climbs up the wall and starts taking out the opposing team using his specially-made arrows. His efforts enable his cohort to break into the building and earn him an award for being the first to get on the fortifications. The three of them make a surprising win for the Fifth Cohort.   After the games are over, Mars appears and claims Frank as his son. He also reveals Thanatos' capture and issues a quest to free him. Mars says that Frank must go along with Percy and another of Frank's choices. Frank is then subsequently proclaimed a centurion by Reyna and the Senators of Camp Jupiter. He chooses Hazel to go along with him. During the journey, Frank harbours a secret that his life will end if a piece of wood burns out due to the many powers he possesses. During the time Frank enters one of Hazel's blackouts, he tells Hazel about his firewood lifeline and entrusts the piece of firewood to her. Along the way, Gaea plays with Frank, knowing that he is one of the Seven that will be her downfall. Frank finds confidence thanks to the goddess of rainbows. To get away from Iris's shop, he battles three basilisks alone. Using Mars' spear, he summons Gray, a vicious fighting skeleton who destroys the basilisks.   When the group finally reaches Canada, he speaks with Mars and his grandmother who encourage him to find his hidden power and save his friends. He later finds that he has the ability to change into any animal of his choice due to him being a legacy of Poseidon. However, the animal has to be within reason, and this ability works best if he knows the animal well and if he is in a life or death situation. He battles the giant, Alcyoneus, and defeats him with Hazel's help by dragging him out of Alaska where he is invincible. He is able to free Thanatos at the cost of the firewood which his life is tied to, making it much smaller but not gone. He also harbours feelings for Hazel, which is mutual, and the two finally share a kiss as they win the battle against Alcyoneus just outside of Alaska. He works with Hazel and Percy to retrieve weapons from the water, then climbs aboard the chariot with Arion who takes them to Camp Jupiter.  
    The Mark of Athena
    During the disarray in Camp Jupiter, after the Argo II fires upon the Romans, Frank turns into a dragon in order to save Piper McLean and Jason Grace, who were knocked unconscious by the angry mob of Romans. He then carries them safely to the deck of the fleeing Argo II. While Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, and Coach Hedge are helping Piper and Jason below deck, Frank is guarding Leo Valdez. He is suspicious towards him and asks him if his name is really Leo, and not Sammy Valdez, and gets a negative response.   Frank cannot help but be amazed by the ship as Leo takes him through decks while he estimates damage done to the vessel. When the Argo II docks on the Salt Lake in Utah, Frank goes with Percy and Annabeth to the city to find some tar for repairs, not satisfied that Leo and Hazel are going together to look for celestial bronze and lime.   After Percy and Annabeth fall asleep together in the stables, Frank is the one who finds them and tells them they are in trouble. Shortly after, the team decides that Percy, Frank, and Coach Hedge should go look for Phorcyss. Inside the Georgia Aquarium, Frank and Percy expect a trap, as a tourist guide named Kate takes them to Phorcys. When they arrive, Kate leads Coach Hedge further into the complex while talking about different monsters, and leaves Frank and Percy alone with Phorcys. When Phorcys traps them both in a big water tank, Frank panics and turns into a koi goldfish so that he could breathe. Luckily, Coach Hedge comes to their aid and together they escape back to the Argo II.   When the team decides to go to Charleston, South Carolina, Leo dispatches Buford carrying dirty laundry, including Frank's only reserve trousers, to distract Roman Eagles. Later on the way to Charleston, Frank goes to Annabeth's room and asks her to help him understand the Chinese Hand Cuffs, which he had been previously teased for. He unknowingly gives her advice that will help her survive in the future.   Arriving at a harbour in Charleston, the team splits up again. Annabeth, Hazel, and Piper go to The Battery. Percy goes underwater to speak to water spirits, and Frank, Leo, and Jason go to the Civil War museum. Shortly after, they are all attacked by Romans and have to fight at Fort Sumter to escape.   Right before the Argo II gets attacked by Skolopendra, Frank gets furious learning that Leo and Hazel held each other's hands. While Frank and Leo are trapped in Camp Fish-Blood, they have a conversation where Leo explains why he and Hazel held hands and Frank confesses his "burning stick" curse to Leo.   In the Mediterranean Sea, they get ambushed and boarded by Chrysaor and his dolphin men. Everyone except Frank get captured while Percy duels Chrysaor. Frank then helps Percy frighten the dolphin men by pretending to be cursed by Dionysus, causing them to abandon the Argo II and their captain in panic.   When they arrive in Rome, they dock the ship in a park. Percy goes with Annabeth to escort her to her mission. Piper, Jason, and Coach Hedge stay at the ship and Frank, Hazel, and Leo go looking for Nico di Angelo. When Hazel discovers a secret doorway that could possibly lead them to the location of Nico, Frank and Leo wait above the entrance while she explores the tunnels. Leo then offers his help to Frank in finding a solution to his curse. They get attacked by Eidolons, but quickly lose them by following Hazel. In Archimedes' workshop, Eidolons take control of automatons and quickly knock Frank and Hazel unconscious. The two of them are saved by Leo cracking open the fortune cookie he got from Nemesis. After that, Frank turns into a weasel and makes it to the surface through a hole Leo manages to drill through using a hydraulic screw and the Archimedes Sphere. Leo then hacks into Coach Hedge's TV channels using a transmitter that Frank brought to the surface and called Hedge to help Leo and Hazel get to the surface as well. Then they went to help Percy, Jason and Piper in defeating Otis and Ephialtes and saving Annabeth.  
    The House of Hades
    Frank joins the rest of the crew in the mess hall to talk about new information that Hazel Levesque, his girlfriend, received from the goddess, Hecate. Frank talks about how his grandmother thought that seven was an unlucky number and that it was a "ghost" number. Frank talks about how his grandmother didn't like that there were seven demigods going on a quest and how they were searching for the Doors of Death during July, the seventh month. Frank recalls that in China, the seventh month was the day that the spirit world and the human world were the closest.   Frank has had his father's Greek and Roman personalities, Ares and Mars, arguing inside of his head ever since the war that they believe was started by Leo Valdez. The voices in his head have been telling him that he needs to "kill" Leo.   Frank heads up to the upper deck of the Argo II and joins Hazel to look at the scenery of Venice, Italy below them. The five notice strange monsters that take the form of a dog when veiled by the Mist. They decide that they are going to return the stolen book that they found to its original owner. Frank volunteers and Nico and Hazel decide to go with him. As they stroll around Venice, they realise that the monster exhale poison and Hazel is poisoned. Nico tells Frank to turn into an eagle to get Hazel out of the area of fire, but not before a man tells them he can heal her and to quickly come to a house.   The man turns out to be Triptolemus, and once he discovers that Hazel is the daughter of Pluto, he refuses to help, as his sister Persephone had been abducted by Pluto and forced to marry him. When Nico protests, he is turned into a plant, and it is up to Frank to try and persuade Triptolemus. He notices that the chariot Triptolemus once used has been disabled - having only one of the two snakes it needs to fly - and volunteers to find him a new one. Frank then proceeds to cleanse Venice of the katobleps, leaving only one, which his father Mars turns into a snake, at his request. Frank then gives Triptolemus the snake. He is so pleased that he turns Nico back into a human, heals Hazel, and gives them a way to get past an ordeal they will have to face. Following these events, Frank finds that he seems to have 'grown into his own skin'.   Two days later, the crew of the Argo II is stopped by a bandit who wishes to rob them, and delivers a message:  
    This is a robbery. Send two of your party to the top of the cliff with all your valuables. No more than two. Leave the magic horse. No flying. No tricks. Just climb. I do mean all your valuables. Otherwise my turtle and I will destroy you. You have five minutes.   P.S. Don't even think about using your catapults.
    Hazel and Jason volunteer to meet him, as Hazel can summon a large amount of gold to pay him off, and Jason can use the winds to catch her if she falls. While talking, Sciron demonstrates his skill with a gun and shoots a hole between Frank's feet. Frank then watches them face Sciron and outsmart him. A few days after this, Khione, the snow goddess, attacks the ship and places a 'wind bomb' onto it. She freezes most of the crew, including Frank, and sends Leo to Ogygia. When Frank defrosts, he discovers that Piper defeated Khione, but didn't manage to stop the bomb from exploding and sending them to the tip of Africa. The group searches for Leo, but cannot locate him until he leaves Ogygia and contacts them.   They meet Leo in the city of Valletta and then locate the House of Hades. Using the gift Triptolemus gave them - magical grains that they made into barley cakes - they managed to get through it safely, having to drink from a chalice of poison to proceed.   After reuniting, Frank and the others went to the necromantium. They eventually came upon a trap and were separated. Frank, Jason, Piper, and Nicoc fought off a hoard of monsters. Nico used the scepter to summon dead legionnaires to battle but they would not listen to him because he is Greek. Then Jason tried, but he could not because he chose the Greek so they would not obey him. After which Frank tried to command them but was not highly ranked enough to do so. Therefore, Jason gave him his Praetorship and they defeated the monsters.   They caught up with hazel and Leo after Percy and Annabeth returned from Tartarus. They fought with Clytius until Hecate showed up and defeated him. When the ceiling was about to collapse on them, Nico and Hazel shadow traveled them to the surface. They met up with Coach Hedge and Reyna and had a picnic. They discussed their next move and chose to send the Athena Partheon back with Nico, Reyna, and Coach Hedge while the seven went to Mount Olympus. That evening, Frank and Jason were talking about the duties of a Praetor.  
    The Blood of Olympus
    In Ithaca, Frank flew in and carried an injured Jason back to the Argo II.   A few days later, Frank met the rest of the seven for breakfast in the dining room, sitting next to Hazel and using their cereal bowls to flatten out a map of Greece, looking like an old married couple. Frank turned into a bulldog when he heard Coach Hedge's voice, and became annoyed at Leo. The group discussed subduing Nike in Olympia, andd Frank and Annabeth led the discussion, nodding at each other. Frank also pointed out the Greek and Roman camps may be separated as a strategy by the Giants. Frank agreed to go with Percy, Hazel, and Leo.   Frank and Hazel scouted the ruins on Arion and met up with Percy and Leo, almost getting into an argument about the measurements of America and Canada. Frank grabbed a pamphlet and began discussing the contents of the ruins with the others as Leo remained unimpressed and joking around. After Nike appeared, Frank caused her to separate into Nike and Victoria by asking which goddess she was. Frank and the others tried to reason with her, but they refused and made the Greeks and Romans fight each other (which Frank especially was annoyed about). He was even insulted by Niko for wanting to spare the Greeks. The four were chased into the stadium and hid in the crypt, making a plan to subdue Nike, then pretended to fight each other. Frank helped kill the Nikai by shapeshifting into a bear and smashing them. After they defeated her, Frank and the others found out one of the seven would die and needed a cure. They then took Nike back to the ship after he stuffed a sock in her mouth.   A few days later, Frank scouted Pylos, bringing Piper with him because her Charmspeak would be helpful. They slayed an ogre in a restaurant, defeated a pack of giant warthogs, and used the vegetables in the Cornucopia to kill Stymphalian birds. After the warthog destroyed his clothes, Piper took him shopping and assured him that he didn't have to be self-conscious. Frank met his relatives in Nestor's cave, but they were cold and distant around him due to him being Chinese and a son of Mars. They became friendlier after they learned he wouldn't stay long and gave him the Pylosian mint. Piper comforted him after and said his cousins were idiots, not knowing how great he was. He also confided in her about how he missed Vitellius, saying he would know more about the cure than anyone. After they got a ferry back to the ship, Frank said it was nice killing warthogs with her, and she gave him a big hug. Back on the ship, Frank told the seven what his cousins had told him.   Only July 30th, the Seven arrived in Mykonos and he was the only one who didn't get gelato. Frank, Hazel, and Leo went to meet Apollo and Artemis on Delos, flying there on an eagle. Frank asked Hazel if she sensed any ghosts, then greeted the two gods. Frank was surprised by their appearances, saying that they didn't look like twins, but Hazel said gods can look however they want to. Frank found out that Octavian was gathering forces, and about the fall of Delphi, then went with Hazel to get information abotu Artemis. Frank and Hazel then met up with Leo, telling him about the onagers and the monsters Octavian had gotten to help him. In return, Leo told them abotu his plan to sacrifice himself, needing both of their help. Frank became teary as Leo said he told them due to them being Romans: knowing about sacrifice. Leo then told him he had to make the call no one else was willing to make, like Mars told him. Frank then burst into tears, hugging both Hazel and Leo. He hated the plan, but agreed to it.   The next day, Frank discussed with the seven about Asclepius' house. He was worried about Leo when he wanted to go meet him, but he gave him the poison and a big hug, telling him to be careful. That night, he met the Seven for dinner and witheld Leo's plan from the others.   The next morning, Frank met Kekrops when he went on the ship, bonding with him over being lactose intolerant. He was annoyed when he discovered the Acropolis was guarded by Onagers. He suggested giving up, but Kekrops promised to help them. Frank agreed for Percy, Annabeth, and Piper to sneak in while he and the otherss flew in with ballistae. He then made a plan with Annabeth and Hazel. Frank shapeshifted into a swarm of bees to go between Hazel and the others, updating them on the plan. Frank, Leo, Jason, and Hazel soon after helped the others fight the Giants, with Frank shooting arrows at them. However, he soon ran out of arrows and tried to attack them instead, shapeshifting into a rhino. However, they healed faster than he could damage them and he couldn't defeat them. After the blood of Olympuss was spilled, the Olympians rushed to their aid and he and Ares defeated an entire squadron of elephants, all while being an elephant himself. He then congregated with the other gods.   The Seven were launched back to Camp Half-Blood and Frank turned into a dragon, carrying Percy and Annabeth to camp. He then met up with Reyna, happily addressing each other, and gave orders to the Twelfth Legion Fulminata to attack. He pointed his sword forward, causing lightning to defeat a bunch of monsters. After Gaea rose, Frank put his hand on Percy's shoulder and said he couldn't fight Gaea: that part would only be Piper, Jason, and Leo. He saluted Jason and joined his legion. After the battle and Leo's death, Frank and Hazel tearfully told the remaining seven and Nico about Leo's sacrifice, with his arm around Hazel. They were angry at first, but they couldn't stay mad while Frank was crying and agreed it was a plan that Leo would've done.   In the days after the battle, Frank and Hazel inspected the Roman troops with Chiron and praised them for their bravery, taking up camp in the Strawberry Fields. He and Reyna thanked the entire camp and made a toast at a campfire, with Frank promising a new era of friendship between the camps and Reyna patting his shoulder in agreement. He promised they would all be welcome at Camp Jupiter with weekend visits, programs, and aid in times of need.   The night before he left, he visited Hazel in the Hades' Cabin and whispered in hushed tones while Nico ignored them. Frank then knocked on the wall next to his bed, saying he would be leaving tomorrow and wanted to thank him. Nico said he did great and it was an honour to work with him, and Frank expressed his shock that he lived through it, especially with his firewood. Nico reassured him that he wasn't close to death and that he and Hazel had a lot of adventures ahead of him, and had him promise he would be good to his half-sister. Hazel questioned if he was threatening him, but Nico reassured her that he was a good guy. Frank then kissed Hazel and told Nico he could go to Camp Jupiter with them, but Nico refused. Frank then said he hoped to see Nico again, and Nico promised he will as the flower boy at his wedding. Frank then became flustered and ran off. He went back to Camp with the Romans the next day.  

    The Chalice of the Gods

    Percy mentions Frank when trudging along the banks of the River Elisson, remembering the time the two of them and Hazel were evading basilisks in California.  

    Between the Series

    Several days after the destruction of Gaea and the death of Leo, a parchment scroll with a holographic message sent from the resurrected Leo, came fluttering into Camp Half-Blood on the wind. Frank and Hazel Levesque, while angry at Leo for his long absence, are extremely relieved to learn that he is alive.   It can also be assumed that Frank rarely visits Camp Half-Blood as Nico describes shim and Hazel being busy "doing the Twelfth Legion thing" at Camp Jupiter.  

    The Trials of Apollo

    The Hidden Oracles
    Frank is not present at Camp Half-Blood when the depowered Apollo and Meg McCaffrey arrive, so Nico di Angelo explains where he and the rest of the Seven are now, while showing Leo's holographic message.  
    The Dark Prophecy
    After Meg McCaffrey recalls the Prophecy she received in the Cave of Trophonius while sitting on the Throne of Memory, Calypso and Josephine interpret the prophecy, and Leo clarifies that 'the changeling lord' refers to Frank, and the prophecy states that he will have to face a dire challenge.  
    The Burning Maze
    Leo mentions Frank when telling Apollo about Caligula's attack on Camp Jupiter, saying he survived the battle.  
    The Tyrant's Tomb
    Frank and Reyna greet Apollo and Meg McCaffrey when they bring Jason's coffin to Camp Jupiter. Saddened by the death of his comrade, he agrees to a state funeral and to complete Jason's dream by the weekend to honour him, while the praetors allow Meg and Apollo to stay as guests. While Apollo is unconscious, Meg informs the son of Mars about the prophecy they were given in the Burning Maze. When Apollo wakes up a day and a half later, Frank flies into their room as a raven, and asks Apollo to come with him to New Rome to talk with Tyson and Ella.   As he and Apollo go to meet up with Tyson and Ells, he explains the details of the battle. Leo had given them a twenty-four-hour in advance warning when he landed, but the casualties were still heavy. Most of their dead had disappeared, and the Romans feared that their fallen would return and fight them with the hordes of Tarquin's undead. They arrive just as Tyson is getting lines of prophecy tattoed onto his skin by Ella, much to Apollo's shock. As Ella recites a line of the books related to Tarquin, she mentions Frank's stick, and he takes Apollo and leaves for the funera. Before they can light the pyre, Lupa arrives and asks to speak with Apollo alone. When he returns, he tells Frank and Reyna that they will find out what Lupa told him during the following day's senate meeting.   Frank is seen in the Senate House with Reyna. After hearing that the gods can aid them if they open Tarquin's tomb, he and Reyna approve a quest. The son of Mars tries to volunteer himself, but Reyna reminds him of his praetor duties. Later that day, he meets Apollo in the Field of Mars when he takes Hannibal out for a walk. He tells Apollo that he has accepted that his life force is tied to a piece of wood, despite Apollo's obvious shock and consideration that Frank may be getting reckless. Just then, Hazel, Meg, and Lavinia arrive, he and the daughter of Pluto have a quick conversation before her group heads out.   After looking into the prophecy, Frank and Reyna inform Meg and Apollo that in order to invoke the help of the gods, they must sacrifice one. They specify that it must be the soundless god, and Apollo deduces that he must be working with Triumvirate Holdings to blackout demigod communications. Having no other options, Frank grants emergency powers to Apollo, Meg, and Reyna, allowing them to find the soundless god.   The following day, he sits at the officer's table at the Mess Hall and calls the legion to ready for war drills, which practice boarding ships.   The next day, he and Hazel bring a red Chevy Silverado for Reyna, Meg, and Apollo to use on their quest. When Reyna demonstrates the defensive and masking functions of her cloak, the son of Mars is surprised by this, and studies his to see if it can do the same as Reyna drives away. Later, before the battle, he sets up the legion in Caldecott Tunnel, installing defensive munitions before the final battle. He also sends commandos lead by Michael Kahale to slow down the emperors.   He greets Apollo and Meg when they are taken to his command post and learns from Terminus that zombies are attacking New Rome via the sewers. As he and the remaining twelve legionnaires are defending the entrance to camp, the emperors pull up on chariots pulled by de-winged Pegasi and demand surrender. Frank refuses, instead calling spolia opima, single combat to the death, to which the emperors accept, and Frank challenges Caligula. Apollo then arrives and joins the fight, although Frank says he is messing up his plan and tells Apollo to run when he says to, then goes to continue his fight as Commodus engages Apollo, while both sides of the battle cautiously watch out of striking range. Frank and Apollo lure the god-emperors into the tunnel, and as the latter engages Commodus still, Frank and Caligula circle one another cautiously and strike. He turns into a swift and takes out one of Caligula's eyes; in response, Caligula swats the son of Mars onto the wall and, when he reverts to his human form, stabs him in the back, a hit that would have been fatal had his cloak not protected him. As Caligula is recovering, Frank jumps up and pushes Caligula to the wall, choking him and making his face turn purple. He tells Apollo to run, and after reminding Caligula of his murder of Jason Grace, the son of Mars ignites his stick, triggering an explosion and encases them both in flames. Caligula is killed while Commodus is left severely injured, allowing Apollo to finish him off.   Miraculously, he survives, at the cost of his hair and eyebrows, and Arion returns him to camp, where he passes out, though he is saved when he is immediately rushed to a medical tent. When he wakes up, he explains that Ella told him how to kill the emperors and he did so. Apollo theorises that by taking his fate into his own hands in such a manner, Frank changed it so that his lifeforce is no longer tied to a stick, leaving Frank free to live his life without the threat of death hanging over his head. It's also postulated that, although unlikely, Juno may have intervened to save Frank as she likes him.   A few days later, Frank officiates the mass funeral for all the casualties of the battle. At the senate meeting, he congratulates the legion on their victory and approves the promotions of Hazel Levesque to praetor and Lavinia Asimov to a centurion of the Fifth Cohort. He also presents Apollo and Meg with gifts. Apollo with his godly bow and Meg with her seeds. In the morning, he and Hazel say their goodbyes to Apollo and Meg.  
    The Tower of Nero
    After Apollo becomes a god again, he visits Camp Jupiter and the son of Mars tells him of how they are rebuilding after the last attack and how Jason's temple project is going. He also demonstrates that he has finally figured out how to turn his cloak into a sweater wrap to which Hazel rolls her eyes.  

    Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard

    The Ship of the Dead
    When Percy and Annabeth have lunch with Magnus Chase and Alex Fierro, Percy mentions the Praetor when Alex, the child of Loki, displays his/her shapeshifting abilities.  

    After the Series

    Jason's Return
    A year after Jason's death, in May 2012, Frank was stunned to see his friend return, alive once more, to Camp Jupiter. Jason explained that two Greek demigod children of Thanatos were the result of him being brought back to life, but that he hadn't seen either of the two demigods since then so was unable to ask why they did it. Frank was initially reluctant to let Jason leave Camp Jupiter, out of fear that something else would happen to Jason if he did, and Jason remained in Camp Jupiter for a year to help with the temple building project.   After the year, however, Jason returned to Camp Half-Blood, where Frank learnt he had reunited with Piper and they had attempted to rekindle their relationship and were dating once more.   Not long after Jason's departure, in July 2013, a new demigod arrived at Camp Jupiter calling himself Luca Acciaioli and claiming his lineage as from Jupiter, which was later confirmed by his claiming. Frank debating informing Jason about his new half-brother, but he and Hazel decided not to as Jason would just want to come back to Camp Jupiter and they didn't want to cause any problems for Jason and Piper.  
    Meeting Lia
    Despite choosing not to tell Jason about Luca's arrival in order to not cause issues for Jason and Piper's relationship, it was only a year later that Jason and Piper had broken up again. During a visit to Camp Half-Blood for Halloween in October 2014, Frank spotted Jason talking to an unknown female demigod and soon learned that Jason had started dating her.   A couple of months after they started dating, in January 2015, Frank met Jason's new girlfriend when his friend took her to Camp Jupiter, and learned then that her name was Lia Acciaioli, a daughter of Eros (or Cupid for the Romans), and that she was actually the older half-sister of Luca Acciaioli, the son of Jupiter that had arrived in camp about a year and a half before. Although the situation was a little awkward, Frank supported Jason and Lia's decision to remain dating despite their shared relation of Luca.   He was later shocked to learn of Piper's pregnancy and that Jason had broken up with Lia, and he and Hazel often checked in on her when she temporarily moved to Camp Jupiter to be with her brother and away from Jason.  
    Meeting Avelia
    Four years after the end of the war against the emperors, Frank learnt that, during a summer visit to Camp Half-Blood, in July 2014, Percy and Annabeth broke up. He was aware that their relationship had been rocky since their time in Tartarus, although they tried their best to stay together and had managed it for four years. However, they broke up soon after the fourth anniversary of their fall into Tatarus.   Not long after, Frank was told about how Percy had been spending a lot of time with a female Greek demigod when Percy returned to Camp Jupiter in the autumn to continue studying at the university in New Rome. He wasn't told her name or her lineage, but was told that she had been previously dating Nico until they broke up when he came out.   Frank didn't hear much else about the female demigod until the following September in 2015 when she finally moved to Camp Jupiter to live there with Percy - although he had heard that she temporarily lived there to support Lia after the daughter of Eros' break up with Jason, he hadn't met her himself as she had been with Percy all the times Frank visited Lia.   It was then that Frank was introduced to her and learned that her name was Avelia Visalli and she was an Italian demigod of the Greek goddess Nyx. On top of that, Frank was surprised to learn that she had brought with her twin daughters - although he had known she was pregnant, despite not being able to attend the baby shower due to Praetor duties, as Jason and Lia had explained earlier that year how they had gotten back together at the baby shower.   Frank was initially hesitant in regards to trusting Avelia, or Ava as she called herself, due to being the daughter of Nyx, but soon agreed to as Percy trusted her despite the ordeal he went through in Tartarus - especially after learning that Ava had actually helped Percy and Annabeth escape Nyx's palace despite the risk of incurring her mother's wrath.  
    Promoting Isaia and Resigning as Praetor
    In 2016, in October, Ava gave birth to her and Percy's third child, a son they named Isaia. Frank and Hazel visited a few days after his birth with a gift for the new baby.   In the years that followed, Isaia was brought to Frank's attention multiple times; as the boy grew in age and matured, it was made clear to everyone around him that he possessed incredible skill and a fierce will and determination. Frank was unsurprised when he was personally headhunted to join the First Cohort, and Frank even personally promoted Isaia to the position of a Centurion of the First Cohort when Isaia was only fifteen.   The following year, in December 2032, Camp Jupiter was attacked out of nowhere. Although the cause was unknown at the time, it had been noticed that there had been an increase in monsters, and it was later discovered that this attack was part of an early attempt by Eris to overthrow the camps by sending waves of monsters after them. Half-way through the attack Frank and Hazel had been out of camp, having gone to Camp Half-Blood to request their assistance when the waves of monsters momentarily stopped - with it being theorised that they were waiting for their leader to arrive with more forces. Scouts that had been sent out and steathily investigated the surroundings did learn of more monsters incoming, but that they would be unlikely to arrive for a few more days, giving Camp Jupiter time to request aid from Camp Half-Blood.   However, despite this belief, Frank and Hazel returned to Camp Jupiter with reinforcements from Camp Half-Blood only to learn that the monsters had not waited for the rest of their forces and attacked when they saw the camp's forces were weakened. However, they were also stunned to learn that the camp had not yet been invaded because, when all others had been afraid to move and disobey the orders given to them by Hazel and Frank and the Centurion they had left in charge, Isaia had done so and left the camp borders to singlehandedly take on the monsters.   Hearing this, Frank, Hazel, Percy and Ava all rushed to where the attack was happening. There, they found Isaia, exhausted but still standing at the time, surrounded by the sand of deceased monsters and preparing to face the next wave. However, just as the next wave deceased on him, he collapsed, stripped of all his strength after a prolonged fight and he was saved by the intervention of Percy and Ava before being brought back behind the camp borders and treated.   A few days after the attack, after giving Isaia enough time to recover from his exhaustion and the injuries he had sustained, Frank summoned Isaia to meet with him. Once Isaia had arrived, although reprimanding Isaia for his insubordination, he revealed that he had asked Isaia to meet him as he wished to inform him that he wanted to take Isaia under his wing, to train him to take Frank's position as Praetor.   Frank had expected Isaia to be surprised by the news, but he was shocked to hear Isaia ask if Frank was offering him the position because of who his father was and Frank's friendship with his father, but Frank explained that Isaia had earned the position on his own through risking his life to protect the camp and succeeding. It was then that Isaia accepted, and began his training under Frank. Then, in June 2033, Frank officially resigned as Praetor, and promoted Isaia to the position.  
    The Bane of Eris
    When Eris declared war on the demigod world in 2036, Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood teamed up once more to fight against the hordes of monsters Eris had gathered while the prophesised demigods fought against Eris and her allies. Frank fought alongside Hazel and Jason as part of Camp Jupiter's forces under the command of Isaia and Isaia's co-Praetor, Sierra Vaughn.


    Family Ties

    Godly Siblings

    • Romulus (half-brother)
    • Remus (half-brother)
    • Julius (half-brother)
    • Cupid (immortal half-brother)
    • Timor (immortal half-brother)
    • Metus (immortal half-brother)

    Other Family Members

    • Grandma Zhang (grandmother)
    • Shen Lun (great-grandfather)
    • Poseidon (divine ancestor)
    • Periclymenus (maternal ancestor)
    • Sung Guo (maternal ancestor)
    • Xu Fu (maternal ancestor)
    • Percy Jackson (distant maternal relative)
    • Avelia Visalli (distant maternal relative-in-law)
    • Arielle-Allegra Jackson (distant maternal relative)
    • Océane-Delia Jackson (distant maternal relative)
    • Isaia-Neptis Jackson (distant maternal relative)
    • River-Zaira Jackson (distant maternal relative)
    • Annalisa Jackson (distant maternal relative)
    • Nico Jackson (distant maternal relative)
    • Tyson (distant maternal relative)
    • Asher Visser (distant maternal relative)
    • Triton (distant maternal relative)

    Social Aptitude


    Frank is very kind. He is a very good friend and is willing to give everyone a chance. Due to his past, he is unwilling to judge people and was the only one at Camp Jupiter not scared of Nico. Frank is insanely loyaal to his friends and cares about them deeply, like when he stopped Percy from his fatal flaw. As the series goes on, he even becomes reckless for his friends, like when he slammed a minor god into aa wall for not healing Hazel and Nico fast enough. Frank is also a very good listener, listening to Coach Hedge when he confided about missing his wife and unborn child.   Because Frank is a son of Mars, Frank has a lot of anger and rage inside of him. Frank can get very angry and irritated sometimes, making him huff like a bear. After his mother died, he was so furious that he destroyed his grandmother's fine china, even though he knew she may punish him for it. He also wanted to slam Nico into a wall in anger after he couldn't protect Hazel, letting her be poisoned.   Frank used to be very self-conscious due to being bullied when he was young by his grandmother and his peers and would hide his body, being self-conscious about it. He had extreme self-hatred and low self-esteem, made worse by when he went to Camp Jupiter and thought he was unworthy to be in the legion. He thought it was a mistake that Reyna let him join ad that he only messed things up. Due to this, he would be very awkward and nervous, like when he snapped crackers while trying to give them to Hazel. Even when he had accomplishments, he would feel unworthy, like when he was promoted to Centurion. His low self-esteem got better at the end of The Son of Neptune, but by the next book, it became worse after Ares and Mars would speak in his head. Frank felt like he acted like a buffoon in front of everybody, made worse by being teased by Leo. He even believed Leo when he said he wasn't worth much.   Another product of his low self-esteem is fire. He would constantly worry about his lifeline once he found out about it and didn't tell anybody, other than Hazel, Percy, and eventually Leo and Nico. He developed a fear of fire, made worse when his grandmother may have died in a fire. He began to conquer it throughout the series though, like when he decided that Hazel would carry his lifeline and when he burned his stick to rescue Thanatos. However, he still had a big fear of it, especially with Leo's fire powers. But fire began to no longer have an effect on his life when Leo gave him a fireproof bag to carry his lifeline in.   Frank's self-esteem also began to improve when he got the blessing of Mars and a makeover from his father. He began to cover his fat less and was more confident in his appearance. He became more bold and began to take risks, shapeshifting more and trusting people.   Over the course of the series, Frank became a leader, going from Probatio to Centurion to Praetor. Frank took on a leadership role in the House of Hades by leading a legion of ghosts and defeating hundreds of monsters. Due to this, people's perception of Frank began to change, with people seeing him as a brave, terrifying leader, instead of a cute little panda bear. After this, Frank took a leadership role with Annabeth on the Argo II and helped lead a charge into the Parthenon, and later lead the Twelfth Legion Fulminata with Reyna at the Siege of Camp Half-Blood.   All of this culminated in the Trials of Apollo series, when Frank became more of a leader and extremely reckless, almsost killing himself at the Battle of the New Moon. This worried Hazel and Reyna, who thought he should be careful due to his lifeline. But Frank had no fear of his lifeline anymore and was prepared to sacrifice himself for his camp, valuing others over himself. He realised that him sacrificing himself was the only way to save the others and avenge Jason. Because of this, he spoke to Ella in secret and planned to sacrifice himself to kill Caligula. However, due to taking control of his destiny and accepting it, Frank was able to forge a new destiny for himself free of his curse.   Frank also became more appreciative of his Chinese-Canadian heritage. As a child, Frank would be annoyed by the stories and the superstitions his grandmother would tell, made worse by the racist bullies at his school. He became even more ashamed when he found out that Shen Lun destroyed Camp Jupiter during the San Francisco Earthquake. But after he found out about his shapeshifting powers, he became appreciative of his ancestors and heritage, even meeting them in Pylos.   Frank has a bit of a nerdy streak, liking Mythomagic and winning French spelling bees.


    Frank Zhang

    Husband (Vital)

    Towards Hazel Levesque



    Hazel Levesque

    Wife (Vital)

    Towards Frank Zhang



    Other Ethnicities/Cultures
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Son of Mars
    Legacy of Poseidon
    Praetor of the Twelfth Legion (formerly)
    Hero of Olympus
    Chinese Canadian baby man (by Arion)
    Fai (by Grandma Zhang)
    Centurion of the Fifth Cohort (formerly)
    Centurion Zhang
    The Changeling Lord (by the Dark Prophecy)
    Previously Held Ranks & Titles
    Date of Birth
    5th of June, 1994
    Year of Birth
    1994 CE 42 Years old
    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Current Residence
    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (formerly)
    Camp Jupiter
    He / Him
    Assigned Male at Birth
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    6'5" (195 cm)
    Roman Pagan
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
    Canadian French (not fluent)
    Chinese (not fluent)