Ammunition & Weapon Parts

The finest product of a 33rd-century armoury is useless if it lacks the bullets to feed it, and even the finest weapons can suffer from wear and tear eventually.   Slug Ammo: Slug-thrower ammunition is usually made out of lead or other basic metal alloys, and its exact shape and size will depend on the gun it is being purchased for. Slug ammo must be purchased for a specific type of weapon, and can only be used for that weapon - when purchasing slug ammo, make a note of what weapon it's intended for. Ammunition can be easily manufactured by any world of the relevant weapon's tech-level or higher, though any world of at least TL2 may be able to manufacture even advanced ammunition with some difficulty. Most local gunsmiths can load ammunition to any specification required by a buyer. Standard ammunition is made out of lead or basic metal alloys.   Missiles & Rockets: Some characters might have reason to pack along a man-portable rocket launcher; or have one mounted on their favourite gravcar. Heavy weapons and their ammunition are usually outlawed for civilians on most worlds; but this price is for locales where missiles can be bought. Missile weapons always take a main action to reload.   Plasma Weapons: Plasma weapons use two kinds of ammunition to operate. One is a small cannister of hyper-compressed neutral gas, usually helium. The other is a supply of power which converts this gas into plasma and projects it towards the target. Whilst their gas supply is generally already enough to last the weapon's entire lifespan, plasma weapons use a lot of power - so for all intents and purposes a plasma weapon's ammo is limited by its power supply. Power is normally supplied using type A cells fed into the weapon's attached/integral battery pack.
( ) - Certain types of ammo are listed with a number next to their name in brackets. This means that the cost and encumbrance values given are for that amount of that ammo-type. In such cases, characters are free to purchase more or less ammo than the amount listed, using the given amounts as a guide.   * - Certain types of ammo have no set cost, encumbrance or TL - and instead these values will depend on the gun itself. See that gun's entry in the Ranged Weapons or Heavy Weapons articles.   # - Some entries are marked with a hashmark. These objects can be conveniently packed together in a smaller, more portable package. Three such objects can be packed together as a single encumbrance item. For ammunition, one loaded magazine counts as one item. Breaking open such a package to get at the contents takes a Main Action, however, before they can be Readied with another Main Action.   % - Some costs are given as a percentage value instead of an exact number in credits, in such cases this percentage value applies the cost of the weapon the part/ammo is being bought for.