Science & Technology

Over the course of the last millennia and a half, since Tiberius Crohn first discovered the crohn particle and unlocked interstellar travel, humanity's pursuit in the fields of science and technology led to wonders only possible with the stars as a testing ground.


Thanks to the miniaturisation of gravtech; the ability to manipulate matter on the molecular, quantum and psionic levels; and the room and resources for every savant to pursue whatever mad vision comes to them, what would later be known as 'Pretech' would be indistinguishable from magic to those stargazers from the early 22nd century. But 'Pre'-tech wouldn't be called as such if humanity still had it...


The Scream changed everything, the over-reliance on psionic manipulation and fabrication was a crutch - one that was knocked away as soon as every one of them died or went insane. All advanced technology had to be entirely rethought, and that's not even mentioning the knowledge that was just lost as the newly-deprived humanity turned on each other. 500 years later, the new "Postech" is larger, clunkier and more expensive - but it's reliable, and more-importantly safe.  


"Gravtech" describes perhaps the most important technological advancement of the last couple millennia, underpinned by the discovery of the "crohn particle" - which is responsible for gravity's remote effect on mass. Manipulation of this universal constant led to artificial and anti-gravity, grav vehicles and starships, and interstellar travel through the metadimensions.


Beyond any startling or sensational new discoveries, humanity has simply had the time and resources to make advancements in many areas that have been around since before they took to the stars. Whether in astronautics, robotics, xenosciences, cyberware, pharmacology, computing, or engineering - even since the Scream human science & technology marches impressively on.


Psionics: Metadimensional Extroversion Syndrome, or "Psychic Powers". These strange abilities emerged a few generations after humanity discovered, and began engaging in, interstellar travel. A debilitating curse for those not trained, but a powerful if ill-understood ability for those that are, psionics were responsible for the highest peaks in pretechnology, and it was their loss that caused the Silence.