Computers & Software

Any technological society runs on computers, with access to them as basic as the right to air and water. To those both knowledgeable and skilled, computers open a vast array of possibilities in all areas of life, and having the right computer for the right job is usually more important than carrying a gun.

Computer Customisation

On purchase, computers can be designed to certain specifications or power levels based on the user's needs.  

Higher Power

The prices given for each computer are for a model with Processing score 0, and purchasing a more powerful computer of that some model-type will increase its price. To find the new price:
  • Multiply the original price by the new Processing score +1. So for a Processing/2 portable computer, the price would be 2 + 1 x 50 = Cr150.
  • In addition, multiply its new Processing score, squared, by 100 credits. For a Processing/2 computer, this additional price would be 2 x 2 x 100 = Cr400c.
  • Combined, the total price would be Cr550 for a portable computer with Processing/2.
If you need help with this calculation, ask the GM - he wrote this nonsense.


The computer models in the list below are all based on their common TL4 versions, but many functioning computer-types can also be recreated using TL3 techniques and materials. To adjust for a lower-tech device, work with the GM to adjust the size, weight, processing power and price of the desired model. Surprisingly, the price of lower-tech models tends to be higher, since any lesser market value is largely outstripped by the effort and cost required to create a comparable machine out of lesser parts. On the positive side, low-tech computers tend to be easier to maintain.  

Specialised Computers

A computer can be designed for a specific purpose, which gives it a Processing Score of +1 or +2 higher for that software only. The navigation hand computer used by an explorer, for example, might be only a Computer/1, but could run the Navigation/3 software because it is specially designed for that task. A specialised computer costs 25% more per added rating – so, a Computer/1, Navigation/3 portable computer costs 150% of the cost of a basic Computer/1.
* - Some encumbrance entries are marked with an asterisk. Such items have no significant encumbrance and dozens can be carried without hindrance.   T - This column in the sheet indicates whether relevant training is required to properly use an object, as is often the case with advanced medical, engineering or scientific equipment. If it does, it will be marked with a 'Y' and will indicate the relevant Skill level also required (e.g. "Y-1" would indicate that the user must have relevant Training and at least level 1 in a relevant Skill). If the user doesn't meet these requirements, they may find it difficult or impossible to get the most out of that item.  

Processing Power

Computers are ranked by their Processing score, typically between 0 and 9. A Computer/3, for example, has a Processing score of 3. This is its ability to run software (see Software Packages below).  

Personal Computers

Computers are so ubiquitous in the modern Reach that all characters - unless their background is particularly low-tech or primitive - are assumed to own a personal non-portable computer of some kind, located in either their homes or their crew quarters. Characters with computer-related training begin with a Computer/1, and characters without begin with a Computer/0.  

Storage Capacity

The storage capacity of computers is irrelevant in a TL4 worlds, as thanks to the neural-memory-interface the capacity of even a modest computer is effectively unlimited.

Computers & Other Hardware

Software Packages

All software has a Bandwidth (BW) score, which represents the processing power a computer requires in order to run it. At any one time, a computer can run a number of software packages whose combined Bandwidth does not exceed its Processing score. For example, a Computer/3 could run Translator/1 and Security/2 simultaneously, but if the character using it then wanted to run Intelligent Interface (which requires 1 Bandwidth) then he would have to swap it out with one of the existing software packages.   A character can also use any high-Bandwidth software at a lower Bandwidth, to a minimum of the lowest Bandwidth shown. For example, a character could run Intrusion/3 on a Computer/1, but it would only function as Intrusion/1. A computer with Processing 0 can only run one software package of bandwidth 0 at a time, in addition to the included Interface and Security packages. Note that Processing does not limit how much software a computer can store and have ready to use, just how many software packages can be active and useable at any one time.   A computer must be of a TL equal to or greater than that of the software in order to be able to run it, regardless of available Bandwidth. Software packages of more than 1 Bandwidth cannot be copied easily, as they require a non-trivial amount of bandwidth to transfer.


Displays data. An interface software package is required for the computer to be of any practical use whatsoever, though most computers come with a basic one by default.

BW TL Cost Effect
0 3 Included Text only.
0 3 Cr200 Text; plus audio, image & video display.
0 3 Cr500 An extensively user-tested interface designed to increase usability and intuitive control. Allows users to attempt advanced computer operations even without training.

Intelligent Interface

This software uses a specialised Agent system (see further below) to provide an intuitive and cooperative computer experience. An Intelligent Interface is required to use Expert software packages.

BW TL Cost Effect
0 4 Cr400 The most-basic I.I. package simply augments the existing interface to display data somewhat intelligently. Expert packages using this basic interface suffer a -1 to their rolls.
1 4 Cr800 This standard I.I. package allows voice control and displays data semi-intelligently.
1 5 Cr2000 An advanced I.I. package can cooperate with a user's inputs and voice commands as if they were an intelligent being. This is not true AI, as it lacks the hardware required for true sentience, but is the best simulation that pretech has to offer.


The extranet is a general term for the various digital information networks hosted in most systems of TL3 and above. This package contains a browser which allows full access to these networks. A computer must be physically or wirelessly connected to these networks for this package to work.

BW TL Cost Effect
0 3 Cr10 A basic text-only extranet browser. Running this does not count towards a Computer/0's maximum software packages.
0 3 Cr50 A fully-capable browser which can play video/audio resources.
0 4 Cr200 A secure fully-capable browser which integrates a Security/0 package.
1 4 Cr1000 This fast, intuitive browser is designed for an Intelligent Interface, users take +1 to search for anything on the extranet with this browser.


A database is a large store of information on a topic that can be searched with an relevant skill check or using an Agent program (see across).

BW TL Cost Effect
- 3 Cr10-10000 The cost of a database depends on the extent of available knowledge on the topic.


Security software packages defend against intrusion. Different bandwidths are commonly employed by different users as shown below.

BW TL Cost Effect
0 3 Included -1 to hack attempt difficulty, (ordinary personal systems).
1 4 Cr150 +0 to hack attempt difficulty (Small businesses or savvy personal users).
2 4 Cr1100 +1 to hack attempt difficulty. (Minor government or major corporations).
3 4 Cr19000 +3 to hack attempt difficulty, (Major governments or megacorporations).


Intrusion software packages aid hacking attempts, giving a bonus equal to their Bandwidth. Intrusion software is often illegal.

BW TL Cost Effect
1 4 Cr900 +1 to hacking skill check
2 4 Cr8400 +2 to hacking skill check
3 4 Cr75000 +3 to hacking skill check
4 5 Cr920000 +4 to hacking skill check


Expert software packages mimic both skill and training. A character using Expert software may make a skill check as if they had an appropriate skill at the software’s Bandwidth -1, at a difficulty based on approaching the task with either Targeted or Significant training depending on the specificity of the software. If the character is rolling the check themselves, then the software may instead grant a +1 bonus to the check. Note that some skills are too abstract, manual or social for a standard hardware/software combination to address - in which case their skill packages are more limited in use and cheaper as a result. Also note that Expert software packages are not AI, and cannot be used unless employed by either a human operator or an Intellect software program.

BW TL Cost Effect
1 4 Cr1000 +0 skill simulation
2 4 Cr11000 +1 skill simulation
3 5 Cr120000 +2 skill simulation


Translators are specialised Expert packages that only have Language skills. Each translation package is tuned to translate from one language and to one other only.

BW TL Cost Effect
0 4 Cr50 The translations from the basic package are eccentric in many cases; and there is always a several-second delay between each statement and its translation. Any attempts to exert social skills or Charisma suffer a -2 skill check penalty.
1 5 Cr200 This translation package comes with speech recognition, and so can be voice-controlled even if the user isn't using an Intelligent Interface.
1 5 Cr1000 The advanced translation package is almost real-time and has a much better understanding of the nuances of human language.


Intellect is a software package designed to simulate intelligent operation of an Expert package. For example, a robot doctor might be running Intellect/1 and Expert Medic/2, giving it a Heal skill of 1 plus the Medic training. An Intellect program can simultaneously use a number of Expert packages equal to its Bandwidth, +1 if their Expert packages cover directly-related fields.

BW TL Cost Effect
1 4 Cr2000 Maximum Expert packages = 1
2 5 Cr50000 Maximum Expert packages = 2
3 5 Cr200000 Maximum Expert packages = 3


Agent packages have a Program skill equal to their Bandwidth, and can carry out computer-based tasks assigned to them with a modicum of simulated intelligence. For example, an Agent package might be commanded to hack into an enemy computer system and steal a particular data file. They are effectively specialised combinations of Expert Program software packages and less capable Intellect software packages.

BW TL Cost Effect
0 4 Cr500 +0 Program skill
1 5 Cr2000 +1 Program skill
2 5 Cr75000 +2 Program skill
3 5 Cr215000 +3 Program skill