Grav Vehicles

A layer of contragravity tech below a vehicle, combined with reactionary fuel to create a repulsion lift relative to the vehicle’s distance from the ground. Tricky to handle, passengers will feel slightly lighter than usual and the lift-effect will want to hug the angle of gravity - so inclines and slopes need to be well anticipated by the driver or the onboard computer.
  • Gravcars: The most common type of personal vehicle on postech-level worlds and above, though most lower-class citizens rely on public transport in urban areas. Most advanced worlds have planetary transit grids that allow occupants to simply code in a destination and let the car take them there. On worlds where a lack of infrastructure or hostile local conditions preclude such convenience, manual controls and Pilot skill can be used. 
  • Gravflyers: Larger grav vehicles designed to not only block gravitational effects but also reflect them using projector arrays, creating enough thrust and antigravity required for true flight. A few models can even reach orbit, though few are equipped with the fuel or protections required to leave the gravity well entirely. All can hover and climb with typical gravitic ease.