Postech Advancements

"Postech", technology invented using the more limited methodology and resources available after the Scream, is characterised by its superior reliability. Even compared with functioning pretech, true postech will work - and will keep working - over and over and over again. Such was necessity, having been created in an essentially post-apocalyptic environment, every planet prioritised functionality over everything else.   This focus does come with some drawbacks though, postech has been called ugly, cumbersome and basic - all with good reason. Postech tends to do one thing very well, or do multiple things on a very basic level, without any bells and whistles. Though expensive forms of postech, particularly in those few planets who have been able to salvage some pretech manufacturing techniques, tend to be much more versatile and user-friendly.  

Artificial Intelligence

Once a secret thought lost with the Scream, one particular planet within the Reach has rediscovered a method of creating artificial, digital intelligences, based off the mind of a human volunteer. For more on this, see the entry on Otionia's "Cradle".  


Starships describe any vehicle capable of quick interplanetary and even interstellar travel.