Pellad The King port Revolution
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The King port Revolution



The King Kostance labeled large quantity of food to be exported during a famine. The city of Kings Port began an open revolt with assistance from the organized crime groups. Kings Port manage to muster a decent force to take the city from the unprepared kings garrison holding it. They declare the city Free Port to mark their success and show their intention of seceding from the Kingdom of Karo.   Mear days after the success of Freeport, the surrounding towns and villages joined Free Port escalating the revolution further. King Kostance would make multiple agressive assaults to take back the city but failed due to poor organization, logistics and command. For the next 3 months the city was bathed in blood from both side. But through all of it Free Port still stood strong.    After the 3 month battle provinces all over the kingdom saw the weakened state of the Kings forces and also revolted. The following revolutions would be known as the Great Splintering.

Related Location
Free Port
Related timelines & articles
History of Karo