Libertas Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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Libertas is the land of free trade and free ideas, both of which have generated great wealth for this young nation. Libertas's great economic power grants it the staus as one of the 4 major powers of Karo. The other 3 major power also have a relitivly friendly relations with Libertas due to the large amount of trade they have going through the nation. However, all 3 would not hesitat to attack if they thought they could conquer Free Port, the gem of Libertas. Free port is a city of opportunity and profit for though cunning and cut-thoat enough to survive in this rough city. Free Port acts as the capital of libertas along with the largest trading hub in all of Karo.


Libertas is ruled by the Council of Free Port which is made up of a representative from each of the 5 ruling organizations. These organizations backed the revolution that freed Libertas from the kings control and then fulled the following power vacuum. Each orginization handles different functions of the countries day to day ruling.   The first of these groups, the Alfaar started as a thieves guild of Wererats. Following the liberation of Free port the Alfaar handle the banking and finances of the nation.   The Dorobo are another ruling organization started as a cartel of smugglers and sailor. They now handle protect the sea trade routes, docks and bay from any trouble. They also run the dock and port authority.   The 3rd organization is the Mazatl Cartel. Unsurprisingly they started as a drug cartel and still keep the name and products around. The Mazatl Cartel are incharge of of foreign relations and trade.   The 4th group is the Nox Aeternus. They are the most mysterious of all organizations and while they do publicly sit on the council very little is know about them. Its thought they operated as some kind of assassin guild before the revolution. There is the general consensus that in these days they act as a security organization that protects from foreign intrest and plots as well as protecting from internal groups that may try to overthrown the council or subvert its authority.   The final group is the Octavius Family. They act as the city security keeping general order in the streets along with the surrounding country side. They started as a Mafia family running a protection racketeer.


Libertas's culture is based on wealth and influence. The more wealthy you are the more status you have, but you'll have more people trying to take it from you. Its important to know the right people to keep youself and your money safe.

Public Agenda

Libertas is the economic heart of Karo and will do anything to protect their trade routes and businesses.


Free port was originally named Kings port when the city was founded. It was the brain child of King Augustus II who wanted to create a large centralized trade port to simplify trade with other kingdoms. Free Port would eventually revolt after food was still being exported during a large famine. The Crimial underbelly of Free Port backed the revolution Filled the power vacuum left behind. During the Blood Wars Libertas would stabilize and take and hold onter the surounding territory leaving them with their modern borders.

Freed trade, Free Ideas and Free Opportunity

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Town Council
Alternative Names
Free Port
Freemen, Freeman, Freewomen, Freewoman
Ruling Organization
Government System
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
Free counsel- one representative from each faction votes on laws
Judicial Body
Whichever faction has control of the area where the crime was committed decides the punishment
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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