Stratos Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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Stratos    To the north of malum a militaristic kingdom, kingdom is politically unstable and may decend into civil war. Lead by the Grand War Lord. The Grand Warlord is old any there is no clear successor. The govermnet is a senate and the warlord but the senate is mostly controlled by the Great knight orders. Is very isolationist and does not have goodm relations with its neighbors. The current Grand warlord wants to keep things the way there are many warlords who wish to take his place. Each with their own Ideas of how to run the land.


Stratos is lead by the Grand Warlord and the Stratos senate.


The culture is extremely militaristic. They see Military service as an honor and an obligation. Each town will pledge itself to a faction and be put under that factions control and protection although other factions have freedom of movement between each other towns.

Public Agenda

The public agenda Varies from faction to faction but so far Stratos remain focus on controlling the untamed regions of Malum, that is a worrying amount of support for open civil war


Refined weapons and new technologies is the factions greatest assets


After a number of revolutions saw territories gain more freedom from direct rule from the king, the king decided to form a war counsel to squash the rebellions. He gathered the best military groups from all corners of his kingdom and put them under his direct rule. He was a horrible tactician and after a string of horrible defeats the commanders of the armies decided to take their own land to gain freedom from the king. This was a horrible for the king as this left no armies for him to deal with the rebels and allowed weaker provinces to gain their freedom as well. The king had no choice but to change the whole kingdom to allow almost absolute freedom to all provinces to keep Karo together

Victory through Unity

Geopolitical, Stratocracy
Government System
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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