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Church of Thane

Mythology & Lore

The blighted know that Thane is a God as he has been around their entire existence. But Thane makes them believe that every other race is far inferior to them. Saying that the world of Pelo was specifically designed for them and the other races are a plague to the world trying to suck all the resources out and destroy the world. Making mention that they were the first sapient creatures to step foot on the land so it is their birthright. He also spreads the rumor that he himself defeted the 5 other Gods in order to protect them and keep Pelo safe from harm. Even though it was the combined forces of the Ancient kingdoms of Pelo.

Tenets of Faith

  • Thane must be worshipped
  • Dark magic is forbidden
  • Sacrifices of other races must be done
  • All races are inferior to the Blighted
  • You shall believe in no other gods
  • You shall not spill Blighted Blood


Sacrifices, prayer, and raids are the main ways of worship.


There is no priesthood as they are not needed since Thane is in physical form with them.

Granted Divine Powers

The greatest of followers used to be granted great strength in Necromancy without much training but since Thane is weakened they are no longer granted with any divine powers.
Religious, Organised Religion
Permeated Organizations


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