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King Thane (a.k.a. Lord of the Inferno)

Divine Domains

Pelo and the Abys


  • The Crown of Shadows: A red, ornate crown that Thane wears to signify his status as ruler of the blighted. The crown is said to enhance Thane's powers and make him nearly invincible.
  • The Amulet of Darkness: An amulet that allows Thane to move through the shadows, becoming nearly invisible and allowing him to move undetected.
  • The Orb of Souls: A dark crystal orb that Thane uses to trap the souls of his enemies, adding their strength and essence to his own.
  • The Blade of Ruin: A dark, twisted sword that Thane wields alongside Black Heart. The Blade of Ruin is said to have the power to corrupt those who wield it, turning them into mindless servants of Thane.
  • The Tome of Secrets: An ancient, leather-bound book filled with dark spells and forbidden knowledge. Those looking for power consults the tome to learn new spells and to gain insight into the workings of the universe.

Holy Books & Codes

  • The Tome Of Iborh: A tome that contains the history of the blighted and Thane's rise to power. It also contains Thane's teachings on the importance of power, domination, and the superiority of the blighted.
  • The Tome of Immortality: A book that contains the secrets to achieving immortality and eternal life, which Thane's followers seek to attain so they can serve him for all eternity.
  • The Scriptures of the Blighted: A collection of teachings and stories that outline the virtues of the blighted, such as their strength, resilience, and loyalty to Thane.
  • The Book of Sacrifice: A guide to the various sacrifices and rituals that Thane's followers perform to appease him and gain his favor.


  • The Day of Dominion: A holiday that celebrates Thane's dominion over the blighted and his desire for world domination. It is a day of great revelry and feasting, with offerings made to Thane in the hopes of gaining his favor and furthering his goals of conquest.
  • The Day of Sacrifice: A solemn holiday that commemorates Thane's greatest victories and the sacrifices made by his followers to ensure his continued dominance. It is a day of fasting and penance, with offerings made to Thane in the hopes of gaining his favor.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Extremely fit and healthy

Body Features

He is very muscular and has wings on his back. Keeps his scars on his body to show his followers and foes that he has won many battles.

Facial Features

Has the facial features of a human man with bright red eyes along with red marks that come down from his eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

Bright red eyes along with a voice you can hear within your head.

Special abilities

He has all the abilities you can think of but they have been severely weakened due to his long standing form he has taken. He has not given his Godly body time to recover with meditation.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears medieval Nobel clothing with the signature Blighted red armor above it along with a red crown lined with sharp horns.

Specialized Equipment

Has a special sword called Black Heart that is infused with dark and fire magic which terrorizes weak-minded foes at the sight of it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thane, the outcast among the six Gods along with Uminar, has a unique and complex personal history. As one of the outcasts, he has always carried a sense of separation from the other Gods. His nature is characterized by instability, though he is relatively more stable than Uminar, another outcast deity. One significant event in Thane's history involves his collaboration with Pelo in creating the Blighted, a manifestation of demons in human form. Thane's involvement in their creation suggests a certain affinity for darkness and a willingness to explore the depths of his power. His mind tends to gravitate towards darker thoughts and ideas compared to other deities. An intriguing aspect of Thane's nature is his strong attachment to his creations, the Blighted. This connection is so intense that he chooses to live among them, assuming the guise of a human king who rules over them. By immersing himself in their world and experiencing their lives firsthand, he gains a deeper understanding of their struggles, desires, and emotions. However, this choice comes at a cost. By neglecting the required meditation and failing to regain his full strength, Thane gradually weakens his godly powers and abilities. In the year 23,773RB, during the Age of Man, Thane does something unprecedented among the Gods: he procreates using mortal means. He fathers a son, making him the only God to have a child through mortal means. The circumstances surrounding this event and the implications of having a mortal-born child are fascinating and raise questions about the nature of Thane's relationship with humanity.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Thane ruled over the entirety of Pelo during the Age of Sin and did as he pleased. Later falling to the other races in a massive uprising.

Intellectual Characteristics

Extremely smart and calculating

Morality & Philosophy

  • Believes that the strongest and most ruthless should rule over others. He sees the blighted as the superior race and believes that they have the right to dominate over other races.
  • Believes that life is a struggle for survival, and that only the strong survive. He sees weakness as a flaw and may view compassion or mercy as signs of weakness.
  • Believes that strict control is necessary to maintain order and prevent chaos. He sees any form of rebellion or dissent as a threat to his authority and may be willing to use extreme measures to crush it.
  • Believes that any action is justified as long as it serves his ultimate goal of domination. He may be willing to sacrifice the lives of his own people if it means achieving his objectives.
  • Values loyalty above all other virtues. He expects absolute obedience from his subjects and may be quick to punish anyone who disobeys or betrays him.
  • Believes that the blighted are a superior race and that their demonic nature gives them an edge over other races. He may view other races as weak, inferior, or even expendable.


  • Thane would likely see any form of betrayal, whether it be to him or to the blighted race, as a grave offense. Betrayal may be punished harshly, potentially with death.
  • Thane may view any form of disrespect towards him or the blighted as unacceptable. This could include insulting him, questioning his decisions, or not showing proper deference.
  • Thane would expect absolute obedience from his followers and would likely punish any form of defiance harshly. This could include disobeying orders, resisting authority, or rebelling against the blighted.
  • Thane may see compassion as a weakness and may view any form of mercy or kindness as a taboo. Showing compassion towards enemies or weaker races may be seen as a betrayal of the blighted.
  • Thane would likely view any act of treason against the blighted as a grave offense. This could include collaborating with enemies, sharing blighted secrets with outsiders, or harming the blighted in any way.
  • Thane would expect absolute loyalty from his followers and may punish any form of disloyalty harshly. This could include failing to follow orders, not showing proper devotion, or turning against the blighted.

Personality Characteristics


Wanting to rule over Pelo with his iron fist



Controlled all of Pelo and it lasted for an entire Age

Family Ties

Has a secret mistress and son
Divine Classification
Current Status
Ruling over Helthane
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King, God
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Power is the only true currency in this world, and I hold the purse strings."
  • "The blighted are the chosen ones, blessed by the darkness, and we will not be denied our destiny."
  • "To defy me is to invite death. But to obey me is to reap the rewards of victory."
  • "To rule is to understand that the only thing that matters is power. And I will wield it with an iron fist."
Church of Thane
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Understands all languages


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