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Iliadian Kingdom (Ill-aid-ian)


The High Protector is the ultimate authority and leader of the kingdom, responsible for making final decisions on matters of policy, law, and diplomacy. However, the High Protector can also be advised by a council of respected elders and advisors, who would provide guidance and counsel on important matters affecting the kingdom. This council could be made up of representatives from different regions or communities within the kingdom, as well as experts in various fields such as agriculture, ecology, and diplomacy.


Their society is highly egalitarian, with a focus on cooperation and collaboration rather than competition and conflict. They value compassion and forgiveness as key virtues, which are reflected in their laws and customs. Art and music would is highly valued in the Iliadian Kingdom, as a means of expressing the beauty and wonder of nature. The Ilriliad are skilled artisans and musicians, with a deep appreciation for the arts. Religion also plays a central role in Iliadian culture, with a focus on reverence for nature and the natural world. They have a complex pantheon of deities associated with the different elements of nature, and would have elaborate rituals and ceremonies to honor them.

Public Agenda

One of the top priorities of the kingdomis protecting and preserving the natural environment. This involves measures such as strict conservation policies, sustainable resource management practices, and efforts to combat pollution and environmental degradation. Another key goal is promoting peace and reconciliation between the Ilriliad and the Obsidril. The kingdom seeks to bridge the divide between the two brother races and work towards mutual understanding and respect, in order to build a more harmonious and just society.


The kingdom was one of the first great kingdoms established during the Age of the New Beginning. The land was perfectly made for the nature loving Ilriliad. They came to dominate the southern parts of the land caring for the land and keeping out the tribes that wanted it. Then when the destructive Kingdom of Osdril formed they waged war on their brother race as the natural world in the North was crumbling. Then came the Age of Sin and the rise of the Blighted and the Obsidril. The Kingdom of Osdril focused its main forces towards Iliadian soon crushing the armies that stood in its way. For years and years the Ilriliad people were enslaved and tortured by the Obsidril until the Age of Sin was over. After Helthane and Osdril were defeated the Iliadian Kingdom was never able to get their footing back to were it was eventually splitting into three different kingdoms. One kingdom became a radical religious movement vowing to rule over Pelo as payback for what the people were put through. The other just didn't see eye to eye with the Iliadian Kingdom and split off vowing to never forgive or forget what the Obsidril people had done along with the promise of revenge against their brother race. Now the Iliadian Kingdom protects the lands it has left as well as trying to prevent an all out war with the Kingdoms of Obsidril and Ilriliad.

Demography and Population

They are spread throughout the land in villages and towns. They do not make big cities as that would weigh on the land it is located. The only big city in the kingdom is the capital. The birth death rate is 4:1.7, and the population is 3,567,961.


All citizens who are physically able and of a certain age are required to undergo basic military training. This includes training in self-defense, wilderness survival, and other essential skills. The Iliadian Kingdom also has a standing army composed of professional soldiers who received advanced training in military tactics and strategy. Where they are split into specializations based on ranged skills and close combat skills. They have a special forces unit composed of highly trained soldiers who are capable of carrying out complex missions, such as reconnaissance, sabotage, and rescue operations.


Any religion that is not destructive to nature is welcomed in the kingdom


  • It is illegal to damage or destroy any natural habitats in the kingdom, including forests, wetlands, and coral reefs.
  • Hunting is only allowed in designated areas and during designated seasons. It is illegal to hunt any endangered species, and hunters must obtain a permit before hunting.
  • It is illegal to dump any pollutants or hazardous materials into bodies of water.
  • It is illegal to use violence to resolve disputes.
  • All citizens are entitled to equal treatment under the law, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or other personal characteristics.
  • Workers are entitled to fair wages and safe working conditions.
  • Punishments: Fines, Jail, Public Humiliation, Flogging, Banishment
  All documents are kept in the High Protectors palace

Agriculture & Industry

They are experts in the field of crafting and building. Also very good with agriculture as bringing minimal damage to the world through farming and fishing. They have a huge fishing industry where they have many fisheries. Resource extraction is not very big as they have lots of regulations on extracting from the ground.

Trade & Transport

Within the borders of the Iliadian Kingdom, trade is controlled and regulated to ensure that all goods are produced using sustainable methods and do not harm the environment. The kingdom prioritizes local production and consumption of goods to reduce the need for long-distance transportation and to promote self-sufficiency.


The average population is well educated as they are all educated in the outdoors, technology, history, culture, and arts. Some go on to specialize in certain areas of education while other join the workforce right away.
Founding Date
2347 NB
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
The currency is in the form of services and goods. They barter on what goods and services are worth other goods and services. They do have coins and currency from other Kingdoms as they hire out their people to other kingdoms for services or they trade them goods.
Major Exports
  • Food
  • Herbs
  • Medicine
  • Plant material
  • Services
Major Imports
  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Coal
  • Gems
  • Building materials
  • Exotic goods
Legislative Body
The High Protector makes the laws for the kingdom with aid from the council or people in certain specialized areas.
Judicial Body
The council is responsible for interpreting the laws made by the High Protector
Executive Body
The responsibility for enforcing the laws of the Iliadian Kingdom would fall to a special branch of government known as the Green Guard. The Green Guard would be made up of highly trained Ilriliad warriors and law enforcement officials, who would be responsible for maintaining law and order throughout the kingdom. They would be responsible for investigating crimes, making arrests, and bringing suspects to trial. In addition to their law enforcement duties, the Green Guard also plays a key role in protecting the natural world. They would be responsible for enforcing environmental laws and regulations, preventing illegal hunting and poaching, and ensuring that the kingdom's natural resources were managed sustainably and equitably. The Green Guard would be highly respected and trusted within the kingdom, and would be held to a high standard of integrity and professionalism. They would be trained in the use of non-violent conflict resolution techniques, and would be expected to use force only as a last resort.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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