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Ilriliad (Ill-rill-e-ad)

The Ilriliad, created as the brother race of the Obsidril, embraced a different path. Rather than succumbing to dark and sinister tendencies, they developed a profound love for the natural world and dedicated themselves to its protection. Although they occasionally clash with their counterparts, the Ilriliad aspire to a future where forgiveness and reconciliation can usher in a new era of peace and harmony, in accordance with the ancient desires of their God.   Standing between 5 to 10 feet tall, the Ilriliad possess a muscular physique that reflects their physical strength and resilience. Their skin is intertwined with prismvelour, a special substance that provides a notable degree of toughness, although not as impenetrable as the Obsidril's. This unique attribute makes it difficult to pierce their skin, offering them a measure of protection in combat. Instead of focusing on destructive magic, the Ilriliad master the arts of nature manipulation and healing. Their affinity for nature magic enables them to shape and control the elements, while their mastery of healing arts allows them to restore and mend both living beings and the natural world.   In their societal structure, the Ilriliad have established kingdoms akin to humans. However, instead of rulership based on bloodlines, they adopt a different approach. The Ilriliad form a council consisting of the most nature-attuned nobles within the kingdom. These council members collectively vote on who shall assume leadership. Candidates for leadership may include both council members and nobles who were not initially part of it. This democratic process ensures that the leader represents the united voice of the nature-attuned nobility, promoting a sense of unity and shared responsibility among the Ilriliad.   Ilriliad society places great importance on the preservation and balance of the natural world. They strive to cultivate a deep understanding of the intricate ecosystems that surround them, as well as the delicate harmony between nature and magic. Skilled in herbalism, alchemy, and the healing arts, the Ilriliad possess advanced knowledge that allows them to nurture and revitalize the natural world.   The Ilriliad's military strength should not be underestimated, as they combine their natural magic and physical prowess to defend their lands. They deploy formidable battlemages who wield the powers of nature to protect their realms and ensure the safety of their people.   With their unwavering commitment to the natural world and their longing for reconciliation with the Obsidril, the Ilriliad embody the potential for unity and harmony. They seek to restore the balance that respects both light and darkness within their shared existence, striving for a future where the forces of nature and the sentient races coexist in a harmonious bond.

Basic Information


They are humanoids and there skin can be anywhere from a pale white to a light grey. This is due to the skin fibers being lined with prismvelour which makes it very tough and durable but not as much as Obsidirl's skin. Even though it is lined with prismvelour the skin still looks and feel like actual skin. Their skeletal structure is that of a humans with a little bit more durable bones. They can be anywhere from really muscular to skinny. Some are born with 2 arms or 3 and some even have 4 but 3 is the most common. They do not grow hair because of the prismvelour fibers.

Genetics and Reproduction

They reproduce through sexual means and the pregnancy period goes for a little less than 1 year due to the prismvelour fibers.

Growth Rate & Stages

  • Newborn to Toddler- 10 years
  • Toddler to Teen- 10 years
  • Teen to Adult- 15 years
  • Adult to Elder- 100 years

Ecology and Habitats

The optimal environment would be somewhere with average temperatures. Because the prismvelour fibers in the skin can become hot faster and also cold when temperatures drop but not as bad as their counterpart. The skin may provide good protection, but it doesn't provide insulation.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They hunt and grow their own food. They like to eat meat just as much as they like to eat plants.

Biological Cycle

When seasons change they need to wear more clothes in the cold and less in the heat. They try to stay away from extremely hot places as it can kill them very fast.


  • Friendly
  • Loyal
  • Courages
  • Disciplined

Additional Information

Social Structure

Social structure is dominated by the male upper class.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Some cults and cannibals use their skin for armor and clothes because of the prismvelour fibers.

Facial characteristics

They have anywhere between dark yellow and dark red eyes. Pointed ears and a kind of pointed nose along with their eyes sockets being more sunken in.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They can be found in areas with temps that aren't too hot or too cold. The main area they live is in the southern regions of the main Pangea.

Average Intelligence

They have above average intelligence but are very intelligent in nature and Healing magic.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have average sensory abilities across the board. But they are very adapt with nature and healing magic.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

  • Common Male Firstnames- Gormer, Tolith, Arun, Valus
  • Common Female Firstnames- Ena, Eliyen, Ayda, Soliana
  • Common Lastnames- Herlen, Dacan, Petkas, Fenjor

Major Organizations

  • 3 Major Civilizations- Felbish Republic, Iliadian Kingdom, and the Mortam Dominion
  • 3 Major Political Factions- NRT (New Race Treaty) who focuses on trying to have a new era of peace and unity between Ilriliad and Obsidril. NPU (Natural Protection Union) Focused on protecting the natural world. DP (Dominion Party) who doesn't want to forget the crimes of the Obsidril and make them pay by dominating them.
  • 2 Religious Organizations- Faith of Cavelly, Church of the Comet
  • 1 Illegal Organization- Hallow Council
  • 2 Legal Organizations- Dream of the Land, Hallowroses

Beauty Ideals

The beauty ideals come from how well you are able to connect with nature.

Gender Ideals

Male gender dominates the important roles of providing while women are very good at taking care of health.

Relationship Ideals

Good attunement with nature goes a long way to create friendship.

Average Technological Level

Thier technology level is a little better than Obsidril. They have created a new formula for healing wounds.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They speak thier own language.

Common Etiquette Rules

Some common etiquette is maintaining eye contact and showing respect to elders and nobles. Bowing before the leaders and the council.

Common Dress Code

They are able to wear whatever, but the private areas must be covered when out in public.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

They like to raise animals and grow plants. Theatre is another big thing they like to enjoy along with games.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

They hold animal competitions every month with different animals they raise. they have plays and organized game events every other weekend.

Common Taboos

  • Never be crule to an animal
  • Never destroy nature
  • Never waste any part of a plant or animal
  • Never disrespect the leaders


The brother race of Obsidril created by Ixmos made to live in harmony with them. This didn't plan out like the God hoped as Obsidril went down a darker path. As for Ilriliad they where shown the light and fell in love with nature. Doing everything to protect the natural world. They failed that task as during the Age of Sin they were enslaved by thier brother race tortured and made to watch as they burned thier precious nature to the ground. After the fall of the blighted they were set free from thier shackles swearing to forgive them one day and bring them to the light. Sworn to protect thier natural world they prepare for any coming conflict no matter how evil.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

  • Obsidril- Dislike
  • Human- Neutral
  • Rhoder- Neutral
  • Dwe- War
  • Blighted- War
  • Olands- Dislike
  • Ashendre- Friendly
  • Dracon- Neutral
Scientific Name
140 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
The average physique is pretty muscular and a little lean.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The skin color can be between pale and a very light grey.


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