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Dominion of Mortam (More-tum)


The ultimate leader of the Dominion of Mortam, the High Priest holds religious authority over all aspects of the kingdom. The Council of Bishops is made up of the highest-ranking members of the Mortam Church, each overseeing a different region or aspect of the kingdom.


The people of Mortam are deeply devoted to the Church of the Comet, with little tolerance for dissent or disagreement. The Church's teachings dictate all aspects of daily life, from what people wear to what they eat. Mortam's religious beliefs dictate that the world must be destroyed in order to be reborn, and so the people of Mortam see destruction and chaos as necessary and even desirable. Given their focus on conquest, Mortam relies heavily on slave labor to maintain their society. Slaves are treated poorly, with little to no rights or freedoms. They also view other civilizations and cultures as inferior or even evil, leading to a great deal of distrust and suspicion towards outsiders. The kingdom is isolationist, with little contact or trade with other societies.

Public Agenda

Mortam actively seeks to convert other societies to their religion, believing that their way of life is the only true path to salvation. This could involve missionaries, propaganda, or even military force. As mentioned earlier, Mortam views conquest and warfare as necessary to achieving their goals. They are constantly trying to expand their borders in the name of their god.


The Dominion of Mortam began as a small group of fanatical followers of the Church of the Comet, a radical religious movement that emerged in the aftermath of the Age of Sin. The Ilriliad who founded the Church had been driven insane by the torture they had endured at the hands of the Obsidril and Blighted, and they became convinced that the only way to achieve salvation was through the destruction of all other civilizations. Over time, the Church grew in size and influence, attracting more and more followers who shared their extremist views. As the Church gained power, it began to exert greater control over the surrounding lands. The High Protector of Iliadian was forced to decided to go to war with this fanatical group or let them be. The High Protector eventually saw more destruction against the Ilriliad people to be unnecessary and let them keep some of the kingdoms land but they would be watched very closely. Leader after leader they slowly forgot what the Dominion was really about and they have now taken their gaze off the kingdom.

Demography and Population

They are spread across the lands near churches and cathedrals. Each village has a small church for small populations while cathedrals are built in each city. The average birth death rate is 6:2.1 with a current population of 3,934,798


The military is divided into different branches, such as infantry, cavalry, and specialized units such as siege engines and magical forces. The soldiers are well-trained and equipped with weapons and armor suited to their respective roles, and they even use dark magic and other supernatural forces in battle. Given their aggressive and expansionist tendencies, the Dominion of Mortam also maintains a large standing army in addition to a militia or reserve force. The military leadership is filled with high-ranking members of the Church of the Comet, who use their authority to further their religious and political goals.


All religions are forbidden except for the state religion.


  • Blasphemy and heresy are punishable by death.
  • All non-believers and infidels must either convert to the Dominion's religion or be executed.
  • Women are not allowed to hold positions of power or authority, and must cover themselves from head to toe when in public.
  • The use of magic or sorcery is forbidden for anyone without permission, and anyone caught practicing it will be executed.
  • Theft or robbery is punishable by amputation of the hand.
  • Adultery is punishable by stoning to death.
  • Homosexuality is punishable by death.
  • Alcohol and drugs are forbidden and their consumption is punishable by harsh fines or imprisonment.
  • All citizens are required to attend religious services and follow the Dominion's rituals and customs.
  • Spreading dissent or criticizing the government or religious leaders is considered treason and is punishable by torture and death.
  All legal documents are kept in the Royal Cathedral in the High Inquisitor sector

Agriculture & Industry

The Dominion of Mortam does not prioritize agriculture, as their focus is on conquest and spreading their religion. However, they have some agricultural production to sustain their population. Their agricultural practices are focused on efficiency and maximizing yields, rather than sustainability or environmental concerns. In terms of industry, the Dominion has a strong military-industrial complex, as they prioritize conquest and military expansion. They also have industries related to their radical religion, such as the production of religious texts, artifacts, and symbols. Other industries include metalworking, blacksmithing, and weapon manufacturing to support their military campaigns.

Trade & Transport

Internally, transportation and trade is heavily regulated by the government, with a focus on moving military resources and essential goods rather than luxury items. They also use slave labor to transport goods and construct infrastructure. Externally, the Dominion attempts to establish religious colonies or vassal states in neighboring territories to control resources and trade routes. They also engage in raiding and piracy to acquire wealth and resources from other civilizations.


The population is extremely well educated in religion as all are required to attend the School of the Comet. Some are forced to attended specialized education while others are forced into the workforce right away. They have an average education level for the average population.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy
The official currency they use is called Darkened Marks which are gold coins covered in black dye with demonic engravings on them. To control big purchases an official note of purchase is given to the Inquisitors with an agreed upon date of payment. If payment it not fulfilled by the given date the Inquisitors will pay you a violent visit.
Major Exports
  • Weapons
  • Equipment
  • POW's
  • Slaves
Major Imports
  • Food
  • Luxury goods
  • Building Materials
  • Animal products
Legislative Body
The High Priest is the one who makes the laws o the Dominion and sometimes requests the help of the council of bishops.
Judicial Body
Monks are set forth from the Religious Palace all across the lands to interpret the laws.
Executive Body
The High Inquisitors oversee a network of inquisitors and enforcers who are responsible for maintaining order and punishing those who disobey the laws of Mortam. The Inquisitors are known for their extreme methods, often resorting to torture and execution to maintain control over the population.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Species


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