#2 Battle of Dover in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil

#2 Battle of Dover

  Dover has small beach and a sea wall for defense. Small gaps lead to a small fishing village beyond the wall. The Jutes just didn't have any officers to direct their troops. They work themselves into a berserker charge! Next the fleet lands at Dover, and the knights must fight 2 Saxons per 3 knights, but the main force holds back until everything seems safe. The ships of the Jutes are burnt. Raider #2 holds back by the main part of the fleet and the Raiders are given the signal to move attack. Sir George was laid out on the ship and turned command over to Sir Girardus of Shrewton.
Sir Elad the Marshal of Salisbury tried to leave the main fleet and take control of Raider #1, but Prince Madoc ap Uther refused, saying that Sir Elad was needed with his group.
Command by Sir Girardus of Shrewton second in command.   Sir George waited in the boat; his Squire sit nearby. Sir Nuke had tried to heal him before they got to Dover, with no luck. It looks dire for Sir George. Sir Girardus rushes off the ship with a scream and dives into battle. The Jutes made the mistake to run down off the hill that protected the fishing village and gave them a tactical advantage (higher ground), but they charged down the hill to the beach and faced the raiding party head on. They had advantage of numbers but that changed after the firsts round. Again, no leadership meant they had no organization and just threw themselves at the knights. And the Knights made short order of the Jutes and burned their ships. It looked like it would be a massacre! and it was.   Raider #1  

The Death of Sir Fulbert of Wyle

Sir Fulbert had been wounded in the last battle but that was nothing new for a veteran like him. He had been with Sir Girardus of Shrewton many times in the past. He didn't think that Sir George of Stapleford had the experience to be leading such an important raid. But that was not his decision and besides Sir Girardus was leading them now. He grinned to himself, and he moved up toward the front of the boat. He watched as the jutes charged down the hill. He watches as Sir Girardus jumped from the bow of the ship. He was right behind him, he followed him right into the line of crazed Jutes. He cut down a Jute and then another. His fury and hate for these Saxon dogs boiled over and he lost control. He swung and crashed his shield against the bodies of this half naked barbarians. He dropped another with a thrust to the gut but never seen the blade the cut off his own head. It fell back behind his body which stood their erect sword still thrust forward. His body slowly fell forward into the sand with a fountain of blood gushing from his neck. His eyes stared in silence from the ground back toward his falling body. Eyes stared with a gapped mouth and tongue hanging out. His helmet still firmly on his head.
Command by: Sir Silus IV   Sir Silus stared down on the wrapped body of Sir Hamon of Burcombe that lay at the bottom of the ship. He was angry that these two boys were allowed to be knights. they were totally unprepared for battle. His Squire had better skills than these whelps. he would bring this up to Sir Roderick the Earl of Salisbury as soon as possible. The manor house in question should be repremended! The Ship was closer now and he took up his shield and sword. He looks to his men and tell them "Fill their hands" Sir Jobba, stands with a tear running down his face. His leg had been wrapped and he would avenge his brother. Sir Silus had asked for replacements, but none were issued. several knights were wounded, but all stood and readied themselves. He moved to the front as the boat landed, he noticed that the javelin throws all stood on the hilltop and were shouting and banging their shields. He was about to tell his troops to wait till they threw their first Javelin, then jump to the beach and move to the gap. Not waiting for a command, Sir Jobba jumped to the beach and charged the Jutes. Sir Silus tries to stop him, but it was too late. Suddenly the Jutes charged down the hill, not one waited. They were outnumbered but experience was what counted. He leapt to the beach and moved his group forward to meet the enemy.   Raider #3  

The Death of Sir Jobba of Burcombe

Sir Jobba stared at his dead brother; anger filled his heart. He would kill every one of these demon Saxon. He hated them! he gripped his sword so tight that his arm begins to ache. He looks up at his command, a small tear rolls down his face. He stands and prepares himself for battle. They will pay of his brother's death. He pushed his way to the front of the boat, the second he felt the bottom of the boat rub the sand He left off onto the beach with a scream. He could only see red, as he charged toward the on slaughter of Jutes pouring off the hill. He didn't feel the wound on his leg tare open and the warm blood begin to flow again. He threw himself against the wall of Jutes, spears and swords, poked and slashed. Sir Jobba cut down the first enemy as he stepped over the body a sword smashed down on his shield. He returned with a slash of his own sword, and another fell. Two spears punched through him simultaneously! One through his thigh and the other his throat. The spears retracted and whatever blood was left in his body poured onto the sand.
Command by:Sir Cernunnos    Sir Cernunnos waited for the bump of the sand on the bottom before he jumped to the beach. The Jutes Had moved on the Raider #1, 3 boats. This left their flanks wide open. His group of knights wasted no time in cutting down the right flank of the crooked line that had just charged down the hill to save their boats. It was as if they didn't see them the cut down ten men before the crazed jutes notice that the right flank was falling apart. Apparently, Sir Nuke and his bunch did the same on the left flank and these poor bastards were dying in bunches as their battle line collapsed.   Raider #4  

The Death of Sir Tristram of Shrewton

Sir Tristram had been knighted early his uncle was the great Knight, Sir Girardus of Shrewton they had been separated by the prince when he had assigned the raider ship knights. He watched from the front of the ship while the Raider #1 ship sailed right into the middle of the beach where the jutes ships were located. The tide was going out, so the jutes ships lay stranded in the sand, many feet from the water. he watched as his uncle charged head long in the groups of Jutes that had charged down the hill to the battle. The boat had barely touched bottom when Sir Cernunnos jump over, and the rest of the knights followed. They were able to flank the line of the jutes and it collapsed beneath their fury! Tristram parried a couple of hard hits and slashed his sword down on enemy, who fell quickly to the sand. He moved forward, stepping over the body and looking at the Jutes as they fell back. The pain from his groining to his chest as his feet lifted slightly from the ground and he could no longer breath. He looks down to see the enemy had fain death and waited till him stepped over. The pain went away as the blood drained out of him and his body jerked. He fell face first into the sand. He stared as the fighting moved away from him and wondered if he would be in heaven before night fall. Then it was night and he wondered no more.
Command by: Sir Nuke of Laverstock   Sir Nuke pushed his boat farther to the left of the battle. He was trying to keep out of javelin range but he soon watched as the Jutes charged down the hill into certain death. His band of knights jumped and rushed the thin line of enemy warriors. Half dress with only pants, javelin and a sword. They would throw the javelin to distract their oppenent and charge into them with the sword. Sir Nuke was not sure if this had worked for these idiots before or not. His small band was able to collapse the line in on itself almost immediatly, with Sir Cernunnos knights doing the same from the other side. This should take long he thought as he slashed his way through the disorganized troops. The battle was nearly over, and he thought his troops would again be untouched by these levy troops. that is when he saw the warrior standing over Sir Ymbert.   Raider #5  

The Death of Sir Ymbert of Shrewton

Sir Ymbert never wanted to be here, his uncle said that there was more to being a knight than the courlty duties, songs, dance, dress. These are the things that he excelled at. Note that he hated sword play or horsemanship. He was going to join the church, but their dress code would not do. Monks very rarely went to court affairs or parties. So, he decided to become a knight instead. This he like until just recently when he had been called out to battle. Battle was dirty, bloody and smelly. He had seen someone killed yesterday, a javelin through his throat, most untasteful. He shivered at the thought. Now he waited at the back of the line of knights to jump down off the raiding vessel to some backwards barbarians, who didn't even wear clothes. The boat had move far to the left. "good" he thought, maybe it will be over before we get there. Sir Nuke jumped from the ship the moment it hit sand and charged forward to the thin line of barbarians. Sir Ymbert followed swing his sword in a threating manner, with no real intent to kill anyone. Suddenly an enemy jumped passed the knight in front of him. The young barbarian blocked the halfhearted swing and stabbed him whole heartly through the chest. He looked down and then back up to the enemy, who was a woman. He just realized it as he stared into her steel grey eyes and her naked breast painted blue, heaved as she grits her teeth and pushes the blade all the way through his body. She pulls the blade as he falls down to the ground. one second later to the blade of Sir Nuke cuts her in half. Her pieces fall to either side of the dying Sir Ymbert, he stares at her dead body as his last breath leaves his lungs. The bottom half of the woman lays across his legs forming a human leg cross, and her top half lay upon his top half in a weird death embrace.


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