Cirencester Settlement in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil


It is about four days’ ride from Sarum.   Cirencester: This city, a stop on the Royal Road, is in Clarence. CLARENCE (County): This county in south of the Severn River includes Cirencester, Bourton, Wandborough, and the Cotswold Hills. CLARENCE (Duchy): This is a dukedom in the west that includes the counties of Clarence and Marlboro. It used to include the county of Gloucester but is now at feud with the duke of that land.   Cirencester is the largest city of the county, located where two of the King's Roads meet. It is the primary seat of the Ely Isle is known to be a large island which can be reached only via a pathway of logs hidden under the murky water.


This was once an important Roman city and is now the primary seat of the Duke of Clarence.
Large city
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