COULSTON Settlement in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil


Population = 450

Coulston Manor 

 a village with 450 commoners
  • • a small church
  • • a mill
  • • a communal bakery
  • • a pack of dogs (for herding and hunting)
  • • a herd of about 20 horses
  • • a herd of cattle, a flock of sheep, a herd of pigs, a flock of chickens, a gaggle of geese and other animals (some owned by the manor, and many more owned by the peasants).

Industry & Trade

Fish Pond

The local stream can be dammed to make a fishpond, or a portion of the river diverted for the same purpose. The local people will fish in it and give portion of their catch to the landlord. Cost to Build: £5 Annual Income: £1d2 Annual Maintenance: £1


The Guest House

A guest house provides hospitality for visitors to the manor, but also for travelers passing through. It primarily serves commoners, as nobles would stay at the manor. It is not an inn, and there is no charge for staying here. A resident caretaker greets visitors and oversees their feeding and care.
  • Bath: £3
  • Cost: £8
  • Annual Maintenance: £2,
  • including the Caretaker- Triston - Hospitality 12; First aid 10;
  • Soldier (guard) -Galterius -A foot soldier, lightly armored 4. Key Skill: 16 -Spear. Cost: £1
  • Annual Glory: 1 for BATH
  • Grants: Roll for Selfish
  1. 6 workers = (12d * 14)6=4L day/2= 2L profit per day to party. 480/4=120d per owner.
  2. 80d per worker per day.
  3. 14*6=84 out of 2100 population.

Cluster of ("Guest House" Workers Houses)

A cluster is 6 commoners’ huts (about a quarter of a hamlet). These peasant hovels are house, barn and byre all in one so that the people can stay warmed by small firesand the presence of their animal and rotting hay and cabbage.  
  • Cost to Build: £8
  • Personnel: Eight or so Workers and their families, each approximately 5 people, plus a few animals.
  • Reduce Hate (landlord): 1
  • Guilds and Factions

    Fishing guild
    Founding Date
    Ruling/Owning Rank


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