Source: Excalibur, directed by John Boorman.
  • Setting: Outside Somerset, King Cadwy meets King Uther Pendragon , but neither the Somerset king nor his troops join the marching army.
  • Problem: The armies meet. Act as if it is a battle, asking the opening battle questions: “Who is your unit commander?” and so on. Across the way, the Cornish army waits in the trees, up a hill, across a stony stream.
  [Awareness. Success = you see armored men in some places, and archers in others.]  
  • Characters: King Uther Pendragon, with Excalibur; Merlin ; Duke Gorlois.
  • Secrets: The armies are prepared, and given the numbers and the terrain, the king’s army will be slaughtered even if it wins.
  • Solutions: King Uther rides forward to parley, Merlin walking beside him. The king yells, “One land, one king!” “Justice!” shouts Gorlois back. “Show him the sword.” Uther draws Excalibur and it gleams brightly even in the morning light. The bright woods,withdraw. Duke Gorlois looks worriedly at his nobles around him. They are worried. “Behold the Sword of Victory,” says Merlin, “forged when the world was young.” The duke holds a hurried parley with his men, then steps back toward Uther and shouts. “And if I surrender, what do I get?” “You get…!?” starts the king, but he is interrupted by Merlin, who holds a hurried chat with Uther. Then the king continues, “All the land from here to the sea, to hold for the king.” “I accept!” shouts the duke. A big cheer goes up from both armies, and everyone can say afterwards they were pleased with the nobility of the lords, and with the good that was done for Logres. Gorlois and Uther camp together, spend the night drinking and talking, and late at night the duke goes away. [N.B. – The “movie section” ends here. The Duchess does not show up yet.]
Glory: 10 for witnessing this exchange.
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