Session One: JOUSTING, BANITS AND BEARS! Report in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil


General Summary

In the year of our Lord 485, four young squires undertake their last training under Sir Elad the Marshal of Salisbury  at Vagon . The Young Squares must complete their training and show that they are worthy of becoming knights this year. The trials begin with two rounds of lance play versus targets and quintains. After a reasonable show, the squires are then told to race each other on horseback. After a certain amount of trepidation from the squires they begin the race with both candidates off to flying starts. Someone seems to have issues with his horse and its pacing. In the race a Squire pulls ahead of the crowd and starts to celebrate early, whereupon he falls from his horse just before the finish line. As he struggles back on his horse the other squire manages to pass him and win the race.   After the usual squirely ribbing, Sir Elad informs the young men of their challenge. It seems that the village of Imber has recently had issue with a predator. Reports have been of a man-eating bear, but Sir Elad laughs it off saying that it is probably just a wild boar. A joust is called for to find the leader of the hunt and One Square stands out and emerges victorious.   Traveling that afternoon and enjoying the sights of Salisbury along the way, the squires meet with Old Garr at the village church. Old Gar gives them the tale of a couple of villagers who were attacked in the last fortnight and both of whom died from their wounds. One of the squires enquires after the location of the attacks and asks that they be taken there at this very moment. Despite being too lazy and wanting to rest, the party move into the forest with Old Garr leading the way. 2 Hours later they come across a large clearing with a large boulder in it and blood-stained grass. Searching the area, the would-be trackers find several trails including those of a boar.   Deciding to camp the night in the forest, each squire volunteers for duty and watch, an unlikely occurrence.   Arising in the morning, the hunt is on. There is a hunter in the group of squires, and he leads the hunt and manages to follow the trail rather easily through the forest. Around midday the party happen upon a clearing with low bushes at one end. The leader signals for a halt as all seems to be not well. A very large bear then springs from a cave charging through the clearing towards the knights. The would be knights spring into action and charge with lances. 2 great blows are stuck, and the bear is finished off with sword strokes from the squires.
  Having not found a bear, they decide to investigate the bushes and catches a glimpse of shaggy fur through the bush.   Once a support for the board carcass had been made the party of squires followed Old Garr back through the woods towards Imber and glory for a job well done. Upon exiting the forest, they saw the unfortunate attack upon one of the Earls farmers who was being beaten by some bandits trying to steal his cattle. Which they then did with a spur of the horses and lowered lances. CHARGE!   The Squares made a rather big mess of the first bandit, showering a nearby cow in bandit gore and entrails. Much the same happened for all, while some made to approach the bandits on foot. Some eventually approached the bandits, shouting for the remaining two to drop arms and surrender, for which they had a spear thrown at them. After the spear missed by quite a distance, the two remaining saw sense in laying down arms and were arrested under the Earls jurisdiction and taken back to the village.   A quick celebratory feast and attempted flirting’s by the squires, the squires set off next morning for Vagon  with the bandits and bear carcass in tow. Sir Elad asked for all the details and had the party immediately make way for Newton, where Earl Roderick was currently holding court. Arriving that afternoon, Sir Elad presented them to Earl Roderick who was much impressed by their tales of adventure and justice.   Later during the feast, the squires were called forth and upon swearing allegiance to Sir Roderick the Earl of Salisbury  and Sarum  were knighted.
Pendragon: 100 Knights Campaign
Report Date
02 Aug 2022
Primary Location
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