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Convergence, Session 11

General Summary

Planning the Next Steps

The Convergence Player Characters spend quite some time discussing what to do next, now that Mothgdanon has escaped and the nearly-completed PAA Cuboid Mobile Headquarters seems to be a pressing threat.   Leofe uses magic to see much of the Convergence Universe above the Underwater Desert, to attempt to track Mothgdanon. She sees it run up against a magic circle containing a reality to the west, unable to enter. It then heads south and breaks through a different circle, containing another reality.   The group develop plans to deal with Mothgdanon and the Cube, including finding the Cube's power source and using it to lure Mothgdanon into a trap. They decide that claiming / deactivating the Cube would be a good next step. They discuss plans for doing so, including parlaying (deceptively), bombarding, infiltrating and using the Dogpeople as a distraction or fighting force.  

Scavenging the Battlegrounds

The group head to the Battlegrounds to scavenge equipment (etc.) for their actions against PAA Corporation. Leofe leads the way with some excellent scouting and perception, finding several caches of supplies (explosives and mechanical parts), as well as a Zaku and a VF-1S, both of which are in working order. Dvorak-46 takes a liking to the Zaku, learning how to pilot it and naming it Viridi Spicea. Atreyu feels drawn to the VF-1S and begins learning its controls, though it is stuck in its middle configuration.

Rewards Granted

  • 4 Post-Session XP for all
  • Two new mechs and various resources


What a Mess

We were all so tired from work that the sessions derailed very quickly into rambling about ideas from the game and unrelated discussion. I didn't have the energy to keep it on-track and it seemed like people were enjoying the more casual chatting. I think this was a situation where the timeslot was better used by not forcing the RPG.  

Losing Passion?

I'm starting to feel that sinking feeling I sometimes get when I start to lose interest in a campaign. I think some of it is because I felt like I've had a run of bad sessions, but I also think that the nature of Campaign: Convergence was always sort of difficult to grasp and loosely held together. I've got some ideas about how to point towards a climax / resolution and try to get things back on track. The newly-released Darkest House very well might help - combining that with some ideas I had relating to Inquisitor Gallia Euphrati should help get things moving in the right direction again and reignite some passion. I think Chapter: The Desert Under The Water has been a bit weak and directionless, which is probably a big part of the problem. It feels like poorly-thought-out side-content.
Related Adventure
Campaign: Convergence, Chapter: The Desert Under The Water
Report Date
25 May 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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Cover image: Perfect Circle Header by Ché Wilbraham


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