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Name and basic details from Apocalypse World: Burned Over.
A holding cut vigilantly from the wilds, connected by tenuous roads to anywhere else.
  A settlement of free spirits, gathered around Pierre. He's a charismatic, optimistic and dangerously naïve leader. The settlement doesn't have much in terms of material resources, but the residents are creative, many can perform entertaining acts and they generally love to party. Dog head runs a reasonably successful trade as a medicine man.   Shelter maintains a good relationship with House Gardenia as Storm's Children often come by to party or perform labour. Dog head keeps them supplied with recreational drugs and medicine.   During Adventure: The Door in Reality, Shelter was a focal location for Sub-Plot: The Orchids, with Dog head being directly involved in investigating their mystery and spreading them to some members of Storm Gardenia's children.   Pierre had asked Storm and Errol Mustang to help develop the infrastructure of Shelter, building it into a genuine settlement, rather than a shanty town. It became clear to them that he was largely clueless about what would be involved, but they were fairly eager to help.   In Storm's ending to the adventure, after her contact with The Door, she convinced the residents of Shelter to move to House Gardenia and join her family, developing the treehouse into a formidable settlement in the process.


Mostly free-spirited young adults who are capable of surviving with little help from others and value freedom and a (relatively) laid-back community. Residents don't have much, but enjoy partying together and other simple pleasures.


Pierre takes a leadership role, though Shelter embraces freedom and personal choice. He really only acts as a figurehead in rare negotiations with other groups and his charisma means he tends to be central to any discussion or diplomacy within the settlement. Residents are largely free to do what they like unhindered, as long as nobody else is harmed.


About 30 poorly-equipped fighters, mostly with improvised melee weapons, but some with bows and spears.

Industry & Trade

Dog head's medicines and drugs are the only real reason others would come to acquire things from Shelter. He distributes much of his products and any earnings in return for entertainment and scavenged resources from the other residents.


Housing in relatively poor-quality shacks. A couple of covered spaces to socialise and party. Some small-scale farming and other trades, generally run by an individual or family unit. Dog head's medicine man operation is the most notable establishment, with a better quality building and casual arrangements with other residents for work.


Not much in terms of material resources, but creative and generally optimistic people are plentiful. Many can perform various acts of entertainment, like singing, music, dance, etc.


Various free spirits from other settlements (or wanderers) gathered around Pierre. They wandered until they found a camp that they didn't end up leaving, in a relatively good location for scavenging and security. They have slowly worked on it since.


Mostly shanties and tents made of scavenged materials and easily-gathered natural resources. A few buildings are slightly better quality and more sturdy.
Related Adventure
Adventure: The Door in Reality
Roughly 120
Location under
Characters in Location

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