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Catran Empire

The Catran Empire, a once peaceful and isolationist human nation, emerged from centuries of selfimposed seclusion with advanced magical abilities. Driven by their god Croesus, they embarked on a campaign of expansion and enslavement, executing or enslaving those who opposed their ideology while granting citizenship and luxuries to those who acquiesced. The empire consists of four provinces:   The Core, where the Catran originated, and the nations they have conquered - Eglal, Espoilia, and Oscus Their mastery of conjuration magic has allowed them to create soulless magical automatons that serve as their soldiers and workers. This, combined with their advanced technology and military strategy, has made them a formidable enemy on the battlefield.
  • The Core, the homeland of the Catran, is heavily guarded and rarely visited by outsiders. The Zealots of Kadin, the silent guardians of Temperbrook and its surrounding towns, ensure that no one enters without permission. The Council of the Dark Sun, the ruling body of the Catran Empire, rarely leaves the capital, instead sending their Acolytes of Croesus to enforce their bidding.
  • Eglal, a once proud and civilized nation of Half-Orcs, is the most recent nation to be subsumed into the empire. Their magnificent halls and cities have been marred by the war being waged between the Confederation of Ahedal and the Catran.
  • Espoilia, once a unified faction of what the Catran now call 'Beast Men', was the first and most unprepared nation to face the Catran. Having enjoyed nearly a millennium of peace and prosperity, they were entirely unprepared for the war machine that the Catran had become. Those who did not flee are now the largest majority of the empire's slave workforce.
  • Oscus, the bloodiest conquest of the Catran, was a prepared nation that had to be evacuated in advance. The refugees fled to Solstiria and Kelver, leaving those who remained to fight to be executed or enslaved. The empty towns and echoing cities serve as a bleak reminder of those who died.
Despite the Catran Empire's overwhelming military might, there are still those who resist their tyranny. The people of Slosteria, for example, continue to work towards a brighter future, even in the face of the ongoing conflict. They remain committed to their values of innovation, progress, and unity, and continue to fight for their freedom and independence

We Ascend Together

Founding Date
1914 Current Age


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