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Catranian Conflict

The Catranian Conflict refers to the brutal and relentless expansion of the once peaceful Catran Empire. Historically, the Catran Empire had been a nation of peaceful isolationists for nearly two millennia before undergoing a profound ideological transformation, culminating in a period of expansion lasting 3 millenium.   It began with the Catrans declaring war on their neighbor Espoilia under the guise of liberating the oppressed and safeguarding the chosen, guided by their deity, Croesus. In response, Eglal, another neighboring nation, sent a small force to support Espoilia. The Catran, who had mastered conjuration magic during centuries of isolation, displayed remarkable strategic prowess. They summoned disposable constructs and methodically wore down Espoilia's defenses, culminating in their decisive victory. Following their conquest of Espoilia, the Catrans enslaved the 'Beastmen' of the region and integrated humans into their society, consolidating their territorial gains and reshaping the dynamics of Fold's political landscape.   Following their conquest of Espoilia, the Catrans appeared to enter a period of relative calm, focused on consolidating their territorial gains. However, this peace was not meant to last. The Catrans subsequently declared war on Eglal. Sensing a recurring pattern of aggression, Oscus, a predominantly elvish nation, proactively declared war on the Catran Empire. Fearing they might be the next target they joined Eglal in its defense. However, the Catran slowly erroded the country's defenses as well, falling within the period of a few centuries.   As tensions continued to mount, Ahedal emerged—a coalition of dwarf cities from the Muldun Dynasty in the northern reaches of Slosteria. Recognizing the impending danger of Catranian expansion and seeking to mitigate the suffering wrought by the conflict, Ahedal decided to intervene. While Slosteria focused on fortifying its defenses, Ahedal extended aid to Eglal whenever possible. Refugees began streaming out of Eglal, and while Slosteria refrained from directly sending its forces to Eglal's aid, they made no significant efforts to thwart those in Ahedal who chose to assist.   With time, Eglal succumbed to the Catrans, extending the conflict from Ahedal's western edges to the southern border of Slosteria. This is the current state of affairs, and the contested region bears the moniker "The Blue Line", derived from the prevailing color palette of many Catranian constructs.
Conflict Type


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