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Slostiria is a land of innovation, where the clanking of clockwork mechanisms provides a comforting backdrop to daily life. While their neighbors may focus on the arcane and mystical arts, the Slostirians choose to pursue the mechanical and technological. Their cities are filled with intricate clockwork contraptions, from automated street sweepers to towering steam-powered machines that dwarf even the tallest buildings.   At the heart of Slostiria lies Periton, the most advanced city in all of Fold, and the capital of the nation. Its towering spires and bustling streets reflect the unmatched industrious spirit of the Slostirian people. However, the recent attack by the brutal terrorist organization Hero's Call has thrown the city into disarray. Despite their best efforts, Slostirians struggle to maintain order and rebuild what has been lost. Periton is the heart of the country, and its devastation is felt around Slosteria.   Slostirians are known for their innovation and creativity, always seeking new and interesting ways to solve the problems that confront them. Their technological advancements have led to many breakthroughs in medicine, engineering, and transportation. They have developed advanced communication networks that allow them to stay connected even across great distances, and their airships and steam-powered trains are the envy of many other nations.   However, Slostiria's progress has not come without its challenges. The nation is locked in a centuries-long war with the Catran Empire, and the Blue Line - the border that separates the two nations - is a hotly contested zone. Despite this ongoing conflict, they continue to work towards a brighter future, even in the face of adversity.   Slostirians are a people filled with joy and wonder, known for their love of music, dance, and storytelling. Their culture is rich and diverse, with festivals and celebrations held throughout the year to mark important events and milestones. Despite the recent turmoil, Slostirians remain optimistic and resilient, and their determination to overcome adversity fails to falter.

Peritavatandur floritral, alorustandur caídavral

Geopolitical, State


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