A Warforged Warlock most-recently known to be residing in the southern Final Kingdom, Erstwhile is a regionally-known adventurer and mercenary. His charismatic stoicism has earned him a reputation as an easy and reliable hire for virtually any job. Over the millennia, he has honed his magical abilities as a Warlock. He is rather open about his Demonic Pact, which acts as his font of power; many perceive this as an open threat to would-be enemies. He is often seen sitting still, seemingly lost in thought. Employers and comrades alike describe him a "strong silent type, whose few words carry great weight."
Like all Warforged of Perradin, Erstwhile has endured since the time before the Starfall. His actions before the 87th century are mostly unknown, though surviving Consulate embassy records show him regularly checking into foreign traveller suites long before then, exercising his rights as a Warforged abroad. The majority of his travels point to him primarily working within the confines of The Final Kingdom and sometimes the Duchy of the Crag, rarely returning to the Didacian Consulate. He began regular mercenary work in the 87th century, and thus all official jobs are logged with the Sinderlan Mercenaries' Guild. His guild record indicates a near-spotless string of successes from the time of his registration. Curiously, all contracts include a mention of a contracted consultant, yet no record indicate anything regarding this consultant's identity beyond the name "Clive."
Current Location
Date of Birth
Before 1500 FFC
Circumstances of Birth
Born upon the Anvil of Emptiness
The Silver Citadel
Current Residence
Southern Reach of the Final Kingdom
Dark Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Silver plate