
The north of Sinderlan is dominated by The Final Kingdom (also called The Kingdom or Finality), ruled by King of the Harvest on The Final Throne of Man. A mysterious nation with citizens of every race ruled by a rich and diverse lineage of Kings and Queens, it is currently marred by a significant famine. Despite this, the impoverished citizens exhibit massive and muscular physiques regardless of race, class, or background. Mainly consisting of massive plains with farmland and thick forests, it is dotted by massive fortresses, each with a small town around it. They have been constantly invaded throughout their history by neighbors, yet has never been conquered once. While currently struggling, they push ever onward in their existence much as they always have.   To the south of The Kingdom is the Didacian Consulate, which is primarily made up of The Crater and the archipelago within and around it. It is a waning power, originally founded as the domain of the Didacy, a massive academy on the island of Swell, which wanted to spread its knowledge to the world by force. Its advance inland was halted at the edge of The Final Kingdom in 1507 The Queen of Starfall. Its current society is ruled by the Didacy's successor government, the Didacian Consulate, with two elected leaders and an Assembly of senators. It originally was an effort by the populace to take power away from the Primal Didact, head of the Didacy. It is linked by a massive bridge network spanning the crater and its islands.    The two minor power of Sinderlan are Hrim and the Duchy of the Crag. Hrim is located on the massive northwestern peninsula and is made up of largely undesirable marshland and tundra. It is a loose confederation of cultural regions not owing allegiance to any one leader. To an outside eye, it is viewed as lawless chaotic anarchy, but its people know it is far more than that. The far west of the continent is ruled by the Duchy of the Crag, a secessionist state once part of the Final Kingdom. Its lands are rocky, dusty, and hot. After centuries of economic chaos, its people primarily make income by plundering trade routes. Both these minor powers have unified in a joint war against The Final Kingdom and are currently locked in a bitter stalemate in the quagmire of war. Even though both Hrim and The Crag believe the war to be a success, it has barely been acknowledged by Finality.   The other two continents of Plentium and Pillarin are to the east, Pillarin being the original cradle of life on the planet for all races. Contact with the two other continents has been limited even after thousands of years of existence. Not much is known about them at this time by the common folk of Sinderlan, aside from occasional friendly trade of exotic spices and luxurious textiles. Items from these continents are rare and fetch a high price. As of late, contact with them has become far less frequent. It is unknown what exactly is happening.


  • The Duchies of Finality
    A map of the various Duchies that make up the Final Kingdom.

Articles under Sinderlan


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