Harwick Trade Company

The Harwick Trade company is based in the Free City of Hi Ba in the south of Pillarin. It is the largest company in the world and has a near monopoly on trade goods in the eastern hemisphere. It established company cities across the continent of Plentius starting in the 8890s. First colonized the western section of Plentius. All residents are employed by Harwick Trade, working to establish a greater foothold in the continent to harvest rare spices, plants, and fauna for export to the Free Cities, and sometimes Sinderlan. Every company city has a central focus of production. The employees are paid well and cared for, but are not given any other options for employment or products to purchase, other than what the Company allows. Many Free Cities view Harwick Trade as going against the ideals of individuality which are held so highly in the north, but tolerate it because of the massive amounts of profit that come from the products harvested from Plentius. Recent discoveries of ruins caused a rush of archaeologists to the region to understand a culture that seems to be completely unknown to history. Joint teams of Harwick archaeologists and elven scholars have been dispatched to learn more.   The Harwick-brand cities have recently been targeted by The Fen, with the initial invasion beginning in 9042. Being largely unprepared, the eastern outposts inside Elven territory fell quick and hard, but the invasion stalled at the Broken Hilt Mountains due to unknown reasons. Shortly before this invasion took place, an excavation of ruins across the rainforests had begun. Dozens of teams of archaeologists have been cut off and the progress of their research is unknown.   This new threat resulted in Harwick Trade establishing a significant private corporate military in 9043, which rivals that of any government. They have scored more victories against The Fen than any of the individual Free Cities combined in only four years. Each minor war that has resulted in a loss for the Company has spawned lawsuits against The Fen, which they curiously often actually win financial compensation as reparations.   The CEO, Gendo Harwick, is incredibly intelligent and cunning. Having inherited the position of CEO from his father, Buckley Harwick, he views his employees as his primary responsibility and greatest asset to keeping his luxurious lifestyle. He believes that his private military can eventually take back Plentius all for the Company someday.   in 9047, a crew of scouts was sent deep into Fen territory. After the Circlecrash trapped them behind enemy lines, the group trekked back to Union territory.

Upwards, always.

Founding Date
8736 FFC
Corporation, Conglomerate
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Traditions
Organization Vehicles


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