Lorthr’ten Tribes

The center of elven civilization in the eastern hemisphere, Lorthr’ten on the island of the same name has been a settled elven land since long before the age of the First Free City. The study of nature and magic deep within the forest has flourished for millennia. Very little else is known about the society except by elves who were born there or traveled there to study. It is covered in the densest forest on Perradin, known as the Thicket. Their "cities" are lower population by the standards of the rest of Perradin, usually being widely spread through forested areas in buildings of hardwood or elegant silver filigree.   For eons, the island self-governed at the edge of the known world. The elves of the various tribes had periods of exodus and return, which both spread elves across the face of Perradin and also brought unique cultural change to their own society. While usually wary of extreme change, elves believe in infinite diversity in infinite combinations, which makes their people stronger and helps Perradin at large.   Their society is governed by the Tribal Conclave, a group of representatives from each tribe. This tribe elects a monarch of the elves, usually agreeing to a candidate through a complex web of alliances, marriages, and tradition. The monarch traditionally has a mostly-ceremonial role, which was changed by the last monarch of the Lorthr'ten, Vulren Venzana   Vulren Centruza Venzana took the role of King in Bone's Chill 9038. His disastrous reign led to a massive upheaval in society, centralizing power on the crown and characterized by societal purges for political and personal gain. In 9041, at the invitation of then-King Vulren Venzana, the Diocese of the Fen occupied their territory and set up a staging ground to begin an invasion of eastern Plentius.   Raleth Geleborn, an exceptionally young elf mage and former forced assistant to King Vulren, began a people’s revolt in Harvest 9047. While the Fen forces were staging a large scale sea-based training exercise, they rallied various disparate cells of resistance into a full fledged rebellion. In a matter of two short weeks, the cells had overpowered the small number of Loyalists and their Fen collaborators remaining on the island. The stragglers were strategically forced to regroup in the outer rim of the Thicket, where they set up camp to attempt a counterstrike. Geleborn's rebellion resolved to burn large sections of the Thicket in a pattern that trapped all of The Fen forces together which then burned them alive. Geleborn has since been crowned the new leader of what remains of Lorthr’ten, and they have worked tirelessly to keep the island in the hands of the elves.   The Fen were clearly not expecting any sort of revolt and have been fully pushed off the island, losing their main staging ground for future wars with Harwick Trade Co. Even though they have been pushed off the island, Lorthr’ten remains under Fen blockade, at their mercy for the time being.    

The Thirteen Tribes

The Thirteen Tribes of the Lorthr'ten trace their origin to the foundation myth of the elves, The Genesis of the Elves and the Loss of Lady Lorthr'ten, in which the primal being, Lady Lorthr'ten, arrived on the island and found twelve unique and beautiful flowers. From these flowers, she birthed the elves and their twelve unique cultures, wishing for them to go out into the world and experience all that life had to offer. The Thirteenth Tribe was formed from the non-elven residents of the island, who represent the intended collaboration with the people of Perradin.

Sun Tribe

The Sun Tribe reveres and revels in the energy of the Sun and its power over the natural world. The tribe historically represents the most prestigious of societal positions throughout Lorthr'ten history, they are one of the three tribes of "city elves" mainly living in the island's capital and surrounding settlements on the northeastern coast of the island. Most members of the tribe find themselves being some sort of public servant at some point in their lives, be it a low level official, a judge, or even diplomats to foreign nations. Their interests typically align with increasing power and prestige for their people and furthering their perceived contributions to the political landscape of the island.  

Moon Tribe

The Moon Tribe draws power and strength from the light of Perradin's three moons, Penthe, Belrodin, and Rerrick while studying the nature of the phases. Often considered the most pragmatic of the tribes, the Moon Tribe has an intense culture of wanting to improve society on the island however possible. Often at odds with the goals of the Sun Tribe, the Moon Tribe does its best to foster cooperation and equality amongst the elves of the island in their maneuverings in the Conclave.  

Astra Tribe

The Astra Tribe's culture centers around the constellations of the stars in the sky, and ultimately have a goal of gaining a higher connection with the Astral Plane, despite the difficulties in accessing it or surviving there. The tribe is viewed as the most esoteric of the tribes, often lost in their study of the sky. They make up the most religious segment of elven society, delving deeply into the mysteries of elven existence. Mystics and holy men make up the bulk of their society, which leads to a heavy religious slant in their politics at the Conclave.  

Deepwood Tribe

The elves that live on the inner rim of the Thicket, the Deepwood Tribe inhabits small villages on the forest floor. Their culture is that of skilled hunters and rangers, producing some of the greatest scouts in all of Perradin. They prefer the simple life of hunting and gathering that the elves' ancestors enjoyed, but still send representatives to the Conclave, usually to advocate for the expansion of their dedicated hunting grounds.  

Kallamand Tribe

A tribe of warriors found across all areas of the island, the Kallamand are stoic and intense. They believe strongly in the rule of law and in the stability it brings. They make up the vast bulk of the island's ground based military, and as such hold a great deal of sway in the Conclave for greater resource allocation for the training of their soldiers. The Kallamand were some of the first and earlierst supporters of Vulren's reign, and were the last to offer any resistance to his disastrous policy.  

Marimal Tribe

Elves of the coastal regions of the island, the Marimal Tribe have a strong maritime tradition of sailing and fishing. They study the tides and the nature of the aquatic world. Traditionally, the tribe has a strong connection with the Moon Tribe as the moons have a great effect on the tides. Their fisheries and navy form a significant backbone of elven society. As they provide a huge amount of the island's food supply through their fishing, the tribe is well-respected. Their representative at the Conclave often has to force through legislation to allow timber to be cut for new ships, which the other tribes usually begrudgingly agree to.  

Feystal Tribe

Elves who are far more Fey-touched than the rest of their kin, the Feystal Tribe is primarily made up of Eladrin. The Eladrin of the Feystal inhabit the deepest heartland of the island in their canopy-based treehouse settlements. These settlements, unmarked on maps as part of several treaties, guard the heart of the Thicket where the sole portal to the Feywild exists on Perradin. They, like many of their heartland bretheren, are insular in nature, often times shunning outsiders until of even other elf tribes until they prove their loyalties. Members of the tribe are rarely seen outside of the Thicket, only sending representatives to the Tribal Conclave when necessary. Their incredibly insular nature has unfortuantely led to a stigma that Eladrin are not to be trusted.  

Umbraston Tribe

The Umbraston inhabit the dark corners of the island. Being made up of Drow and other "offshoot" elven races, they prefer regions with the greatest canopy coverage to avoid the light of the sun, to which they are moderately sensitive to. They engage in far more insular practices and prefer to be left alone, muuch like the Feystal and Inferalan Tribes. While they do not shun outsiders, they are wary of them. They traverse the forest floor and hunt the wild game there, returning to their settlements within the trunks of the great Gellar Redwood trees. They have a reputation of being dangerous, but there are no statistics to back up these stereotypes.  

Terranta Tribe

Known as the Lower Elves, the Terranta enjoy inhabiting the ancient caves which honeycomb through the land of the island. Their subterranean settlements are low population and line the inner walls of the widest cave tunnels, carved from the walls themselves. They are jovial in nature and enjoy any excuse to feast. Their representatives at the Conclave are usually very excitable and enthusiastic, but will advocate for their people's interest to the bitter end.  

Aerak Tribe

Nomads of the beaches and the thin rim of grassland on the coast, the Aerak are an aggressively welcoming people. They inhabit enormous "landships," giant wagons pulled by tamed displacer beasts upon which multiple families often call home. The annual holiday celebrated all across Perradin, the Apex Feast, is a tradition finding its origin with the Aerak. The Aerak use it as a time to celebrate their tribe's nomadic path reaching the northernmost part of the island. Globally, the holiday celebrates the exact middle of the year. The Aerak nobles which sit on the Conclave are known for their open-minded nature and close relationship with the Extala Tribe.  

Inferalan Tribe

  The Inferalan Tribe is the most elusive tribe across the island. Dwelling in dismal parts of the island, mainly in Festerwood Swamp, the Inferalan practice deep nature magics associated with death and life. Shamans of the Inferalan are considered taboo, especially with outsiders, as they delve into infernal mysteries to open their magics to new possibilities. Their agendas at the Conclave are often considered inscrutable as they vote in erratic patterns that can often leave some of their tribe at a disadvantage politically.  

Thasifal Tribe

Sea Elves living just off the coast of the island, the Thasifal Tribe inhabit seasteads partially submerged in the sea. They prefer the quiet isolation that the ocean brings, mainly harvesting seaweed and other oceanic flora for consumption and export. Their artists are considered among the most talented in elven society. They also abhor the killing of sea fauna, putting them at odds with the Marimal Tribe. At the conclave, their representative usually quietly abstains from most votes, but commands a presence when they do present agenda items, usually dealing with protecting the island's waters. The Fen Blockade forced the seasteads of the Thasifal aground for fear of obliteration in 9047.  

Extala Tribe

The Extala Tribe is unique amongst those on the island as it represents the non-Elf population. This thirteenth tribe represents many of the races and Fae who trace their origins to the deepest regions of the Thicket, such as Satyrs, Faeries, Centaurs, Firbolg, and the beast races. In the 4000s, after many other races had immigrated to the island over time, the tribe opened itself to all non-Elves and Half-Elves who call the island home. They hold equal representation in the Tribal Conclave, which is a matter of some contention to some such as the Sun and Umbraston Tribes.
Founding Date
Before the Era of the First Free City
Alliance, Cultural
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Myths
Former Leader
Vulren Centruza Venzana


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