Xarzith Letni

The Frozen Flame

Xarzith Letni is a Lizardfolk wrestler from the The Final Kingdom's Duchy of Tarburland. He is a rookie in the featherweight division whose professional wrestling career is set to begin in the 9048 season. In the minor leagues, he is known for his patented "icicle inferno" move. In 9047, he began a promotional tour throughout southern Pillarin in an attempt to gain greater fan engagement outside of Tarburland and its surrounding duchies.  

Early Life and Career

  Hatched in the Fortress City of Alterporton in the Duchy of Tarburland, Xarzith was named after the icy winter which had passed earlier in the year to remind the family that tough times always end. The surname, Letni, came from his mother whose name was given to honor the fires of Tarburland's great hearth which she was near when she was born. Early in life, Xarzith was tasked with wrangling his six rowdy brothers, which resulted in him learning a great deal about physical combat on the fly. After seeing a wrestling match for the first time at age 8, he decided to use those techniques on his brothers to keep them in line. He would attend minor and major league competitions to observe and learn new moves, each time coming back with new ways to subdue his siblings. It was at one such bout where he met Mica Caradin, daughter of Louis Caradin, that bout's sponsor. Mica and Xarzith became close friends, bonding over the spectacle of the ring.   By age 20, he was a master of unarmed combat and grappling. At the insistence of his long-distance friend, Mica, Xarzith entered into a minor league wrestling bracket. His character, "The Frozen Flame," had an origin of his family being dastardly villains who needed regular beatings into submission. The crowds loved his agile performances and his signature move, the "icicle inferno" where he would take a running start and horizontally dive into a large group of opponents, often times breaking bones and teeth on his hardened scales.   By 9045, his local following had ballooned to include fans across Tarburland and Symphon, where he would travel for away performances. This popularity was enough to gain the attention of the Kingdom Wresting Consortium to extend to him the opportunity to compete in the Sinderlan National's Featherweight Bracket. In 9046, Mica helped to pay the entry fee into the Major League for the 9048 season and for the services of famed Wrestler Agent, Allen Alan. After a partial falling out with her family, Mica requested employment from Xarzith as a "hypeman" to which he obliged, dipping into his personal funds.   In mid 9047 at the suggestion of Allen Alan, Xarzith and Mica departed on a promotional tour of southern Sinderlan, starting in the Duchy of Reshensha, wrapping down to the Didacian Consulate, and ending in the Duchy of Vizenia. The tour was planned on a prepaid teleportation circle package.  

Involvement with the Partycrashers

  In Dying Light 9047, Xarzith and Mica were traveling in the Didacian Consulate drumming up support on Crush when the Circlecrash occurred, stranding them in the Consulate. After staying through the New Year and a few weeks while figuring out a travel plan, he and Mica began the long journey back to Tarburland by foot. On 17 Rekindling, the two of them stopped at the Last Stop Saloon and Inn north of Normouth for the Day of the Bee. Mica, in a hysteria over the lack of word from her parents for months, began drinking heavily. Here, they encountered the Partycrashers when competing against them in trivia, after which Throden Lowaan released a cloud of bees.   After Throden dismissed the bees, she had a conversation with Xarzith. Amazed at the fact that Throden was a Plentius Lizardfolk, he happily got to know her and told her of his exploits as a wrestler. He encouraged her to see one of his bouts in the upcoming season if she were in the area. The next day, Throden bid the duo farewell as the Partycrashers headed south, presumably leaving Xarzith and Mica to their long journey home.


Xarzith Letni

Best Friend and Employer (Vital)

Towards Mica Caradin



Mica Caradin

Best Friend and Hypeman (Vital)

Towards Xarzith Letni



Current Status
Traveling back to the Kingdom for the wrestling season
Current Location
Date of Birth
33 Time's Heart
Year of Birth
9022 FFC 26 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black scales
6' 3"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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