The Suvata Geographic Location in pèryl | World Anvil
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The Suvata (suvætɑ / suwɑdɑ)

In the southeasternmost part of the continent of Gruthe, is the wildlands of the Suvata. Named for the giant mountain that dominates its eastern quadrant—"the Throne," Suvata lit. trans.—the expanse is divided in three primary regions: the Throne Alpine (the eponymous mountain and the lesser mountains around it the Highlands (savannah, jungle, hills atop a huge mesa leading into the foothills of the alpine and the Lowlands (dense jungles, swamplands, and hidden jungle rivers in great abundance).   Although its edges are claimed in the west by the Tzolgarin Kingdom of Ys and in the north by both the Black Isles and Ptarshakk (setting up numerous squabbles between the two), it is truly a vast stateless area taking up a considerable percentage of the continental landmass of Gruthe.   Only the Yssians have attempted to establish settlements in Suvata. All located in western Suvata, bordering the Tzolgarin Kingdom of Ys. Although initially successful, all eventually failed, their populations decimated by disease, predation, and mysterious disappearances; the jungle then consumed the ruins.   Suvata is often relegated in maps to the cliché: "Here Be Dragons." It is sometimes referred to as the Kingdom of Dragons. Suvata is considered cursed by most mortals, that there are indeed dragons in abundance in the aeries of the alpine region that feed themselves on the jungle's bounty, is the least of concern. Arcanists believe that part of the danger of the Suvata is that it is thoroughly riddled with Rift portals and thinnies. Beings from other worlds are easily able to pass into Suvata; denizens of PÈRYL can easily fall into the Rift from it.   The only permanent settlement is the village of Iibh on a sizeable island in one of the larger rivers in the lowland jungles. It is known for its druidic communities of naga, human renegades and other beings. No one sensical or of sound mind would ever attempt to find the city of Iibh. Those that have attempted to do so, are never heard from again. Entire adventurous legions of the Grand Army of the Ptarshakkian Empire have disappeared into the jungles.

Alternative Name(s)
(the) Kingdom of Dragons; the Wildlands; the Jungle; the Throne
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: Suvata: the Vast by 包德強


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