Albrek strikes back Report

General Summary

Previously: The Eldathian Ritual
Without his overwhelming number of zombies, it didn't take long to turn the tide on Glasstaff. With the killing blow, his black staff disintegrated and a black / purple cloud billowed, forming a skull shape within a black triangle as it disappated. That was the sigil of Myrkul, an old Death God.
We investigated Albrek's body and found several potions along with the ragged remains of his robe. One of the vials was a Potion of Heroism, the other a Potion of Invisibility. We also found a tiny dart (too small to use as a serious weapon), and money (65gp, 4sp and 10cp) which Anathema held onto.
We quickly realised that the Rod of Unicorn horn was under some kind of curse causing the reputation of whoever owned it to suffer. It amplified the nature of the rod. Good people would assume the worst of anyone carrying an item made of unicorn horn, while those we might think of as evil, ruled by their own selfish or cruel thoughts, would covet the power they sensed from the artifact. Tharg distracted the gathering townsfolk with a story of our battle, while Anathema and I snuck the rod away, intending to bury it in the forest. Once in the forest, we were interrupted from our digging by a centaur, who sensed an evil presence in the trees. He shot past us, killing some kind of evil creature also drawn to the rod, and eyed us with deep suspicion. We shared our story convincingly enough that he offered some advice. He said that burying it would not stop evil being drawn to it, and it would quickly be dug up. Instead, we should take it to a temple of Lurue, who is the unicorn goddess. He knows there is a site sacred to Lurue in the nearby foothills northeast of the Mere, although accessing it may be dependent on the phase of the moon. We agree to try, and head back to town. On our return journey, we realise that Demonbiter is not with us and had mysteriously gone AWOL.
Next time: A Curse in Ivory
Phandalin Campaign
Anathema Summerbrace
Her'dyr Greymoir
Tharg Who is Wise
Report Date
07 Jan 2024