Druids' Dreams and Shrines of Seeing Report

General Summary

Previously: Thunder Pig!
In Conyberry we met with Big Al. He'd become involved in resettling Butterskull Ranch as part of the Garrison, opening it as a fortified farm.
That evening we were invited to dine with the officers of the garrison and met Captain Sir Alex Torsender, his two lieutenants: dragonborn Patrin Scalestrike and grey orc Brokk Redspear. We also met the two medics assigned to the garrison. It turned out Inverna had aligned herself as a scout leader for the area, and Nib Addlespur and Shanjan Kwan were also present. They mentioned that the soldiers were using the earthmote above Conyberry as a floating lookout reached by riding an old Griffon belonging to Grumbold Gabbledook. The conversation turned to the previous Conyberry residents, many of whom fled with their belongings to a hermitage shrine south of the town. History says the residents took all their gold and valuables with them, but when the shrine was finally raided, the invaders could not find a single gold piece. Ever since there have been rumours of hidden gold in the shrine.
We were offered a commission as adventurers to go to the Shrine of Savras and bring back the gold. Nib offered to lend Anathema a selection of wands for the task, warning her not to use the last charge. She picked a wand of fear and a wand of magic missiles.
  During the night, Tharg was visited by an ancient ancestor spirit of a Thunderbeast Shaman called Grawn who Walks Loudly. He was a tribal druid who lived in Conyberry area long ago. He thanked Tharg for reclaiming the Circle of Thunder for their tribe, and told Tharg much about his missing past:
30 years ago, an evil half-orc cleric of Talos called Moesko was making and stealing half-orc babies for his god. It's possible he is Tharg's father, but more likely that Tharg was a baby stolen from the barbarian tribes who mixed with orcs and half-orcs of the area such as the Thunderbeasts. In a ritual involving leaving babies out in the wild in a storm to see which ones were strong enough to receive Talos' blessing of survival, Tharg was found by Thunderbeast tribesfolk and saved. Moesko's surviving babies were raised as fanatical Talos cultists and for the past decade, Moesko has been living in the haunted 'Tower of Storms' on coast, using evil powers to crash ships into the rocks. Grawn tells Tharg he should confront and destroy Moesko, and bring back some of the lost pride of the Thunderbeasts.
Day 28
We reached the ruins of the Shrine of Savras quickly the next morning.
At the ruins there was an ogre (Robtalk) who told us the shrine was 'Gutmuncher' territory. Two more ogres and a pack of orcs engaged when we attack. During the fight, however, a large shape suddenly swooped in and gobbled up an orc. It was Cryovain, the white dragon terrorising the land around Phandalin.
In a confused fight full of dragon- and wand-induced fear, we managed to kill or drive of the orcs and ogres, and Tharg got in several good hits with the dragonslayer sword, earning Cryovain's attention and ire. As he flew off, he vowed revenge on the tiny groundling who harmed him.
Inside the church we found an altar still consecrated to Savras, god of foreknowledge and divination. It showed us visions of where we might go, including where the dragon called home, an isolated hold high on Icespire Mountain.
In the coffers, we found a key and 57gp, which went in my pack.
In the end we found the gold. It had been melted into a solid gold bell and hidden in the shrine's belfry. We decided to donate the gold to Conyberry in exchange for letting Anathema keep her very useful wand of fear.
Day 29
We decided it was time to head back to Phandalin. On the road, we met a celestial. She told us that every 100 years she would come down to the material plane to mourn a mortal warrior's death at the site of his grave. The warrior was a soldier of Illefarn who fought against a Netherese evil (the Netherese were a human civilisation who discovered vast magics, but had evil leaders). The warrior allied with celestials and killed a major baddie in his time. To honor the fallen warrior, the celestial was willing to teach any warrior a move that is more effective against humans (it reduces the AC for one weapon attack, bypassing some of the target's armored protection). I attempted to absorb the knowledge she offered.
As we were camping for the night with Anathema on watch, a figure that seemed to be a young boy approached the roadside camp. The boy asked for food in exchange for a silver ring. Anathema gave him a bowl of the good dinner they had foraged and cooked, but refused to take payment.
Day 30
On the walk, the foragers of the party found some trees with an aromatic smell and small hard leaves. One was a shrub identified as Morning Dew, the leaves of which can be used as an ingredient in potions of clairvoyance and teas of refreshment. The other was a similar tree called Olisuba, whose leaves can be made into a tea which reduces an extra level of exhaustion when used as part of a long rest, or used as an ingredient in potions of vitality. Anathema gathered leaves from morning dew (8 portions) and Olisuba (12 portions).
Day 31
The next day we spotted signs carved into trees near the road, giving Thieves Cant for directions, distance, etc to a hidden box. Following the trail, Anathema dodged traps and found blackmail material concerning people in Phandalin, along with three gems worth 10gp each.
We decided that when we reached Phandalin, we should talk to the innkeeper and Anathema's gangmate, sell Herdyr's leather armour and buy rope, shop in general, visit the shrine of luck, and head to Adabra's store to sell potion ingredients.
Next: Redbrand Ruffians.
Phandalin Campaign
Anathema Summerbrace
Her'dyr Greymoir
Tharg Who is Wise
Report Date
03 Jun 2022