Finding Steve Report

General Summary

Previously: The Lonespire Tree.
  Tracking the sounds of a distressed animal, we found a baby Thunderbeast (whom we immediately name Stevoni Littlefoot, or Steve for short). Steve had been chased to exhaustion and then drugged using poison darts and tied to the ground. Tharg looked after it's wounds and fed the beast, before Shifra questioned it, asking why it had journeyed to the Neverwinter Wood, and what it was looking for. Steve replied that 'it's not here yet.'
After a rest, Xanth the Centaur scouted the hill with the stone henge. He reported two figures, (we later overheard them calling each other Narux and Flenz,) accompanied by small scampering wood-like figures we found out were blights. Not fey and not constructs, blights are not whole creatures in themselves, so they are difficult to influence directly. They have vicious natures but not much in the way of sturdiness. We saw that three caves were carved into the hill below the henge of standing stones.
We left Steve and Shifra, who enhanced the thunderbeast's natural camouflage skin to hide them both. As we approached, the cultist's ritual slowly darkened the sky with thunderclouds and rain. From the nearest cave we could hear snuffling animal sounds, and we explored it to find piles of humanoid and animal bones, with a boar behind a gated enclosure, like a pet. Deeper into the cave, we found an anchorite's living space, with a secret entrance at the far end of the cave seemingly exiting close to the top of the hill, just outside the circle of standing stones.
As soon as we attacked, we paralysed one of the anchorites with a Hold spell, and killed two of the six blights.
Next: Thunder Pig!
Phandalin Campaign
Anathema Summerbrace
Her'dyr Greymoir
Tharg Who is Wise
Report Date
05 May 2022