The Law, and the Consequences Thereof. Report

General Summary

Previously: Staff of Glass
End of last session, come out of manor, confronted Redbrand who were arrested by the mob. We stuck around for few days for the trial, getting to know townsfolk.
The townsfolk are gathering evidence against Redbrand. Those that escaped have not been seen.
Escapees: Glasstaff, 3x Redbrand who ambush caravans, 1x ruffian charged with theft and assault, 1x Nothic, 1x Grista, female dwarf who had pub at sleeping giant who abetted stolen goods.
In detention: 3x charged with murder, 1x theft, 3 hideout guards charged with unlawful slavery, 4x professional guards who have not been charged yet. 3x other ruffians charged with theft and beating people up.
The adventurers found Nothic but those who went after did not find it. Has it disappeared?
Would like to talk to us: Mother Dendrar.
Would like favours: Sildar Hallwinter on Lord's Alliance and search for Iarno Albrek. To confirm if he is Glasstaff as big accusation - he used to be part of Lord's Alliance.
Stonehand adventurers have rescued Gundren, one of the dwarven Rockseeker brothers that Sildar was looking for. Dwarf is in Stonehill Tavern. Adventurers are back in town will go looking for the other two brothers, Tharden and Nundro. Tharden was taken by bugbears, and Nundro escaped to look for the cave they were searching for.
One of the adventurers is now with scary lady from miner's exchange. Sister Garaele wants a word with Anathema (spoke previously to identify magic items). Thistle Edermath (adventurer from general store) - his dad, Daran Edermath, wants to talk to Anathema. Daran is described as a silver-haired half-elf. Sildar has taken over from Harben Wester for running town - HW is just doing paperwork.
The town are considering doing up Tresendar Manor, they want to give us and the Stonehand Adventurers and the Lord's Alliance rooms there. Harpers (secret group of bards and good aligned rogues, opposing tyranny, aiding poor and oppressed). Order of the Gauntlet (group of virtuous warriors who stand against evil).
The Cragmaw Goblins were those saved from naor, Doop who was saved from beating.
Demonbiter has been dormant since leaving the manor.
Aim: Talk to Nothic about what he wanted to talk to Herdyr about.

Battle finished at 4am, next day sorting things out, next day celebration, with guards from Neverwinter and Adabra (and her not dwarf friend) pop in, gives some potions but needs another 2 days for potions of invincibility. On first day after fight, other adventurers go to manor, fight bugbears. The Nothic is gone, collected papers go to Sildar. Squats talks to Sildar who is worried that papers are missing about the magic being used. Stonehands kill bugbears and rescue Droop. The female Dwarf, Amber Battlehand (cleric) gets maternal to Droop and looks after him. Droop was bullied / tortured as payment to bugbears to leave his tribe alone. Droop is looking happier now.
Aims: Demonbiter, Myrna Dendrar (mother), Sister Garaele.
Lluranu mentions creepy goth companion - Shanjan Quan, who could help.

Myrna Dendrar is profuse with praise, no money to pay, but used to live in Thundertree near Neverwinter. Her family used to run a herbalist shop and there is an heirloom treasure, an emerald necklace, still hidden there. Her son, though still young, plans to continue the family's carpentry business after his father's death.
Quelline Alderleaft says in Thundertree look up druid called Reidoth who knows the area and would help us.

The dragon is still attacking people and cows but some of things its eating is orcs so not too much of issue. Dragon does not like Tharg!

Sister Garaele has blue cloak with fancy pin of harp which she makes us aware of - a Harper?! Pleased how we took on Redbrand and tells us to look out for who is grabbing power in Phandalin. Sildar looks good but should be held to account. Some unscrupulous capitalist agesnts about - disliked by Harpers but they are secret. Looking for someone to talk to banshee. People in Neverwinter are searching for magic item. Agatha the banshee of Conyberry may be able to locate the item.
Steve the Thunderbeast could potentially turn to human.
Sister Garaele talks subtly about whether we would like to join the Harpers - either Anathema or Tharg? She can do minor magic has contacts here and in other towns. Leaning towards Anathema. The banshee would be a trial run. North out of Conyberry has Agatha's lair - well known. (Cantankerous old elf lady ghost who collects magic items. Anathema accepts quest and becomes a Harper Watcher (private rank) can do more quests to get higher ranks. Access to training - including performance. Wants Agatha to locate the spellbook of Bowgentle, a wizard.

Talk to Sildar, Stonehand adventurers, Thistle or Daran Edermath, the captured Dwarf.
Potentially we could work together with Stonehand in other quests.
We met up with 4x characters: Amber Battlehand, came from Neverwinter to Phandalin to take on Redbrand. Paelias Moonwhisper who is a bookworm acolyte of Ogham (god of writing) has a vision to find Goblin Castle. He is not good at talking to people but Sister Garaele is a key contact. Merric Alderleaf is a rogue criminal who may have crossed paths with Anathema. Joined caravan to reach aunt in Phandalin. Knew Redbrand attacked caravan so wants revenge. Stonehand are staying at the inn. Amafrey de Corlinn - part of noble estate that has been abandoned near Neverwinter. Technically has title and land but not worth anything so is adventurer and fighting. Likes being in charge. Grew up in Waterdeep, came north to reclaim his estate but didn't work so looking to take on Phandalin. He heard rumors of goblin treasure - he is opportunist. Sildar has good impression of him. Tharg doesn't trust him. They also have Droop with them. Gundren is with them too - he is boisterous, drinking and talking about the pact, an ancient agreement between Dwarves, Elves and humans to make beautiful magical items - but doesn't say anything else - is that what Nundro has gone looking for?!
The stonehand adventurers go into the mansion. The Nothic is looking for potion items then disappears. There is aura of necromantic energy from the chasm. Found body of Thel Dendrar (the father). Nothic has taken some magical items with him.
Next week: search for missing documentation, talk to Sildar and storekeeper from other secret society, take Shanjan down to see if he can help Demonbiter.
We get dream sequences - Tharg at campfire with weird lights - moon druid and nothic are arguing. Druid said nothic not belong, but nothic say just visiting. Moon druid welcomes Tharg to the space but says didn't tell him about half-orc anchorites. The meanest one is still alive. Nothic takes Herdyr and Anathema into the dream sequence too.
Nothic keeps shaking leg where demonbiter has attached himself. Nothic says has things to tell and ask us.
Anathema is reluctant - Druid says not to worry as sacred space. Tharg plays with lucky stone which changes in size. The nothic mentions things he shouldn't be aware of such as Steve - who appears in the trees. Nothic are usually wizards who look too far into the universe beyond our world and lose self and memories but I kept my past self amd memories because the ritual was interrupted by demonbiter. Maybe demonbiter is dormant away from power source? Nothic can pass demonbiter to connect to Anathema.
Nothic in life was apprenticed to study ancient elven ruins in Neverwinter wood. When leader disappeared, took books on spatial magic and divinity to make pockets of space - demiplanes - where he is now. Maybe able to follow us if has food. Saw Herdyr's quest for ancient ruins and same ruin that Steve is looking for. He would like us to find out secrets of ruin and maybe give him deeper magical secrets which is his mission. He gives Demonbiter to Anathema and will follow us to ruins on our mission.
Next: Review quests and head back to Conyberry
Phandalin Campaign
Anathema Summerbrace
Her'dyr Greymoir
Tharg Who is Wise
Report Date
28 Jul 2022