The Tale of the Slayers of Azdraka Report

General Summary

Previously: Bones and Ghosts
After leaving the barrow, we made camp on a hill nearby. During the night we saw what looked like figures around a campfire on the barrow hill. Approaching, we encountered three ghostly figures, one human dressed in a cloak decorated with star symbols, one female human who is dressed as a halberd-wielding knight, and one elf playing a zither. We hailed them, and with diplomacy and charisma, we made a good impression on the ghostly defenders of the barrow. The bard introduced himself as Chirigol, the knight as Jane Mentz, and the wizard as Berined. They could also talk to a fourth presence, Genedoc Mericant, previously a halfling cleric, as if she were also present.
We listen to our predecessor's tales of their adventures, where they performed various deeds of daring, including their fight against an evil a fire giant, their befriending of a tribe of goblins, and finally their ill-fated team-up with noble knights of Neverwinter to face off against the deadly dragon Azdraka who -though they managed to kill it- took out all four of their party and two of the allied party as well. In death, their cleric Genedoc ascended to be a servant of her goddess, Sheela Peryroyl, and asked the rest of her party to stay and help keep their grave, and the bones of Azdraka, safe from those who would use them for evil.
Getting too close to a ghost steals life-force from the living, which we accidentally found out to our own discomfort. They were so impressed with us that Genedoc passed along a message to us and gave us a small quest: to take her holy symbol from her grave, and deliver it safely to her family's descendants in Triboar. Chirigol and the others decided that we were worthy enough to take the magic items they were buried with as well, and use them in our ongoing adventures. In return, they asked us to spread the tales of the 'Slayers of Azdraka' (a much more impressive title than their adventuring group name, 'the banner of the rod') and their other heroic deeds as we travel. They also taught us the song that the Cragmaw goblins taught them, in case we ever encountered their descendants as well. According to the ghosts, the graves under the left wing of the barrow were fakes, and their true graves lay under the right wing.
Day 25
The next morning we searched and found Genedoc's daisy / morning star holy symbol, Chirigol's lute of illusions, and Berined's necklace of fireballs. We also reset the pit traps that we had disturbed the day before.
After we were done, Xanth guided us into the woods. In the forest, we foraged and found Everfrost Berries, which are small baby blue and heart shaped. Xanth left us outside Falcon’s hunting lodge, where we rested for the night, before joining Xanth on the other side of the lodge and heading further east towards the Circle of Thunder, a place that was once holy to Tharg's Thunderbeast tribe.
At the lodge we met Pell (a stable boy) and Corbyn (an elderly servant) before being granted an audience with Falcon, a famed hunter and woodsman who makes his fortune giving forest hunting tours to Neverwinter noble tourists. Falcon told us of a place where evil half-orcs were gathering in the woods. At a ruined mansion 10 miles South-East of his lodge. Falcon offered us a reward if we would drive the orcs and their spellcasters out of their lair in the manse.
Next: The Lonespire Tree
Phandalin Campaign
Anathema Summerbrace
Her'dyr Greymoir
Tharg Who is Wise
Report Date
21 Apr 2022