True Fatum, the Secretive Ones. Trumping only the Melivora during the First Battle, they chose to live in the most remote expanse of land Phantaforas can afford - deep in the Kelai mountain range. From then on, the True Fatum lived a life of secrecy, and nobody has even seen their true form in more than thousands of centuries.
True Fatum, along with their Lesser Fatum derivative, are the tallest race among the Aelvanir. The shortest recorded Fatum, which has since been identified as a Lesser Fatum, stands at least six feet tall. They appear to move quite fluidly, serenely, however not much else is known about this secretive race.
Average Lifespan: Unknown
Average Height: 6'0" to 8'9"
Facial Features: Unknown
Common Skin Tones: Unknown
Common Eye Colors: Unknown
Languages: Common Aelvanir, Fatumos, Unknown