
God of the Sword and War

Ferrum embodies War as a necessity for a Lawful society. War is justified in order to strike a balance between good and evil. He does not favor the good or the evil but allows conflict to arbitrate which force is in power.   Ferrum is embraced as stern and unforgiving in his judgments and has no tolerance for disobedience. Due to Ferrum’s strict code only the Seven Arch Clerics of the order are permitted to worship Ferrum as their patron God.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Great Sword

Tenets of Faith

The Three Swords  
  • Sword of Protection: Protect the meek and innocent.
  • Sword of Defense: Defend against evil. Specifically, creatures of the undead.
  • Sword of Enlightenment: Advocate and propagate the tenents of the order.
Divine Classification
Greater God
Lawful Neutral
Requirements of the Priesthood:   Patron God of the Seven Arch Clerics  
  • Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful neutral
  • Followers: Must be one of the Seven Arch Clerics to choose Ferrum as their patron