The Order of Ferrum

Tenets of Faith

The Three Swords  
  • Sword of Protection: Protect the meek and innocent.
  • Sword of Defense: Defend against evil. Specifically, creatures of the undead.
  • Sword of Enlightenment: Advocate and propagate the tenents of the order.


Enlightenment, Protection, Defense   Required of the Faithful
  • At the age of 16 a faithful takes the oath of the order of Ferrum and swears to uphold it’s laws and doctrine. It is at this time that the faithful officially choose to become a cleric, paladin or sage and in such chooses his patron god (although by this point the faithful has been training in his chosen class for some time).
  • At the age of 19 the faithful is expected to leave the order on a pilgrimage. The point of the pilgrimage is to spread the tenets of the order while testing their faith. It is also intended to give the faithful experience and understanding and exposure to the evil that they has sworn to defend against.
  • 1 hour of prayer and meditation each day with the exception of battle.
  • Do everything in the faithful’s power to protect and heal any innocent unable to defend themselves.
  • Turn and destroy all creatures of the undead and wipe out any evil.
  • Propagate the doctrine of the Order of Ferrum.
  • At the age of 29 the faithful must start a church dedicated to the Order of Ferrum.


Order of Ferrum Hierarchy   Seven Arch Clerics (Clerics of Ferrum): The Seven Arch Clerics are the highest ranking members in the Order of Ferrum. They are the only Clerics who have proven themselves to be pure enough to worship Ferrum. Each of the Seven Arch Clerics takes on three High Clerics as their apprentices. These High Clerics make up the 21 High Clerics of the Order of Ferrum.   When one of the Arch Clerics dies or commits an act of transgression, one of their three High Cleric apprentices are chosen to succeed them. Their successor is chosen by the remaining six Arch Clerics.   21 High Clerics: Apprentices to the Seven Arch Cleric. These are Clerics of the order who have made the commitment to stay with the order instead of venturing out on pilgrimage. Taking on such a commitment means that these clerics must abide by a strict code. Any transgression however minor and the cleric will be excommunicated from the order with no penance permitted. This strict code must be enforced so that the clerics can prove their worthiness to become one of the Seven Arch Clerics and worship Ferrum.   Paladins of the Sword: These thirteen Paladins have also made a commitment to stay with the order and forgo their pilgrimage. Their duty is to defend the order from any attacks or evil that may try and hurt the order. They too must adhere to a strict code of conduct but are granted penance for a single minor transgression. Any additional transgressions and the paladin will be excommunicated from the order. Paladins of the Sword worship the Goddess Munio as their patron god.   Circle of Sages: The five Sages that comprise the Circle of Sages also forgo any pilgrimage in order to stay with the order and train the Sages of Eruditus. They also serve as record keepers, secretaries and auditors for the Order of Ferrum.   Sages of the Order of Ferrum are wizards devoted to the order. These wizards take the sage background.   Clerics of Contego: Any practicing Cleric of the Order of Ferrum. These are clerics who have sworn an oath to the Order of Frerrum. They are held to the strict code of conduct and are expected to uphold the doctrine of the order. The clerics patron god is Contego. These clerics main duty is to protect the meek and innocent and to heal all beings that are pure of heart.   Paladins of Munio: Any practicing Paladin of the Order of Ferrum. These are paladins who have sworn an oath to the Order of Frerrum. They are held to the strict code of conduct and are expected to uphold the doctrine of the order. The paladins patron god is Munio. These paladins main duty is to defend against all evil. Specifically creatures of the undead.   Sages of Eruditus: Any practicing Sage of the Order of Ferrum. These are sages who have sworn an oath to the Order of Frerrum. They are held to the strict code of conduct and are expected to uphold the doctrine of the order. Sages patron god is Eruditus. These sages main duty is to advocate and propagate the tenets of the order. They are also the record keepers and historians of the order and are sometimes called to council the High and Arch clerics in matters of doctrine.

Granted Divine Powers

Weapons Allowed:
  • Clerics: Any Sword, Dagger, Knife or Quarterstaff
  • Paladins: Any Sword, Lance, Dagger, Knife or Quarterstaff
  • Sages: Any Dagger, Knife or Quarterstaff.
  Armor Allowed:
  • Clerics: All
  • Paladins: All
  • Sages: None
  Spells Allowed:
  • Major Spheres: Abjuration, Divination, Evocation
  • Minor Spheres: Enchantment, Illusion, Transmutation
  • Non-Allowed Spheres: Conjuration, Necromancy
Religious, Holy Order
Colors: Gold (Clerics), Purple (Paladins), Red (Sages)
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