
Goddess of Light

Lumen sits next to Ferrum in order to balance out the powers of war. In most cases she is an observer but will intervene whenever the darkness of evil threatens to overtake the light of good. She is resolute in her will to ensure that light, no matter how little, will always vanquish the dark.   Lumen is patient and restrained in her judgement and punishments. She understands the fallible nature of mortals but holds her followers to a higher standard. She expects her followers to be adamant in upholding the tenets of the Order of Ferrum.

Divine Domains

Life, Light

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Long Sword

Tenets of Faith

The Three Swords  
  • Sword of Protection: Protect the meek and innocent.
  • Sword of Defense: Defend against evil. Specifically, creatures of the undead.
  • Sword of Enlightenment: Advocate and propagate the tenents of the order.
Divine Classification
Greater God
Lawful Good
Requirements of the Priesthood:   Patron God of the 21 High Clerics  
  • Alignment: Lawful Good