D-Class Combat Sloop

The D-Class is a set of older mostly retired Ranet Combat Sloops - Designed 60 years ago many D-Class sloops fought during the Andirral Insurrection. The standard design is a 8-gun setup with 2 cannons in front and 6 along the broadsides, but modern refits and improvements from the succeeding classes have brought the maximum armament up to 12.   The D-Class is built to a standard hull with thin armor plating on top of a lightly reinforced frame. The D-class is arranged with a central hull that houses primary ship systems, cargo bay, engines and the common crew berths. Attached to the central hull is a pair of spars that rotate around the hull and house the command deck and small officer habitat.   The old 8 gun version of the D-Class is rarely seen, but provides adequate firepower, while the newer 12 gun provide a much more serious punch against larger combatants.   D-Class Sloops are capable of berthing a crew of 90 sailors and officers though many of the crew would be hot bunking in that situation, a normal combat compliment is 40 spacers and a skeleton crew of 16 can operate the vessel.   A unique design feature of the D-Class is that during combat or under extreme thrust the rotating spars can fold down and lock the habitat and command deck into the central hull, reducing their vulnerability and keep the 2 different G forces from acting on the officers spaces.   during acceleration D-Class sloops are nominally able to output 2 Gs of thrust, giving them the ability to keep up or intercept many of the lighter screening forces that threaten formations. Many D-Class Sloops posses large internal heat sinks which allow for up to 2.3Gs of acceleration for some time.
Complement / Crew
40 Sailors and officers - 90 maximum


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