Outer Plane 2

Humanoid Population:

None currently found

Directions in Limbo:

  1. Head "North" from Earths Slip Gate 
  2. Journey beyond the Decayed Sydney Opera House made from Marble
  3. Enter the cave made from a spongey red fungus
  4. When the cave ceiling becomes mist, look for the deep blue trees on the horizon
  5. Enter the thickest part of the treeline made from mud
  6. Here lies the slip gate

Flume Crystal Location: 

The Flume Crystal is on the edge of a fissure withing 3 miles of the closest tree grouping.

Relationship with Earth:

Exploring the location


Palea has dark cloud-covered skies with constant cracks of golden lightning. 
Fields of deep blue clay stretch between purple tree grouping and fissures in the ground that include openings to countless winding caves.
Within the caves are stretching tunnels illuminated by blue fungi connecting water-filled cavers.
In the distance appears to be a mountain range that is currently unexplored.


There are many creatures on Palea that have proved to be strong combatants to Earth's Avatars. and Avatars have been known to test and train their skills against them.
It is theorized that some of these creatures may contain Ether as one Unit mentioned being chased through the Slip gate into limbo some way by a panther-like creature covered in tentacles.

Localized Phenomena

The crashes of lightning within the clouds are sometimes accompanied by falling grey foam as if the clouds are knocked from the sky. The foam has been found to be a source of food for local animal life.

Natural Resources

There has been political pressure to find a way to harvest materials and resources from this plane and bring them back to Earth but the capability to do this is currently not limited.

Some Unites have found Ether Items in ruined cave systems.


Palea was discovered after a year of very cursory exploration. After spending a day here they determine the plane has no intelligent life but appears to have a history of civilization within the cave systems.
Many Avatar Units have come through to hone skills and map out this new plane.
Alternative Name(s)
Plane of Existence


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