Slip Gate

The Slip Gate is the name given by Freit to the portals between Limbo and the Planes.


Traveling through a Slip Gate seems to have complex rules depending on who is attempting to make the travel and where they are.
  • From a Plane of existence to Limbo for a person native to that Plane: Ether must be channeled by a person native to that plane through runes which will open a gate into Limbo. These runes were given by Freit to the first group that traveled to Limbo and were crafted using Flume Gem. The gate only opens at the space of the Flume Crystal.
  • From a Plane of existence to Limbo for a person not native to that Plane: Ether must be channeled through the Flume Crystal of that plane or through a Flume Gem native to that plane. The amount of time needed to make this travel seems to correspond to the distance a person is from the Flume Crystal of that plane.
  • From Limbo to a Plane of existence: A person must simply walk through the gate in Limbo that corresponds to that plane. There seems to be some variability to how far away from that planes Flume Crystal the people will appear. 
If a plane does not already have a Flume Crystal the slip gate in limbo will still exist but will be obscured by the swirling mists. When that gate is passed through a Flume Crystal will appear on that plane, similar to what happened to Earth during the first invasion.
Slip gates were part of the discovery of the Waddiche Family


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