Outer Plane 6

Humanoid Population:

A mixture of humanoids seeming to be harmless and kind. They have welcomed Avatars as possible travelers from "beyond the sea." Language barriers have made communication difficult. It is unknown if these people have Avatars or warriors of their ow

Directions in Limbo:

  1. Head "South" from Earths Slip Gate
  2. Keep the eternal ocean/ beach on the right side until reaching a thick cloud of mist.
  3. A very small version of the Tokyo SkyTree will mark an area where an opening in the mist is found
  4. Take a sharp turn to the left and keep the wall of mist on the right until the mist color brightens
  5. A painting of water with three islands will come into view through a thin vail of mist step through the frame and walk across the painted water
  6. The slip gate will be beneath a rotted tree made of blue and yellow paint.

Flume Crystal Location:

The Flume Crystal is partially buried in a valley of grey sand. It is East of the city of Promise about 5 miles.

Relationship with Earth:

Friendly people but it is unclear if they acknowledge or know of extraplanar travel, world largely unexplored


A band of grey sand plains stretches along the coast of a dark watered ocean.
A strip of land breaks the sands heading inland to a settlement known as Promise
Further inland seems to be an extremely fertile wood broken up by fields full of lush grasses.


The ocean seems similar to that of Earth and has been found to contain fish.
The sands thus far have been empty of life though much has not been explored.

Localized Phenomena

Largely Unknown


This plane was discovered by accident in the search of the Unit that discovered Outer Plane 5. The unit that was able to make connection with the local people and through base communication were able to decern the population was kind and possibly setting up for a city-wide festival.
Alternative Name(s)
Plane of Existence


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