
Since the appearance of the Flume Crystal, Ether flows somewhat freely onto Earth. It was found to be able to be channeled through the Crystal and its Gems through people to accomplish great feats such as the Flume Constructs and eventually Avatars.

Certain people were able to channel Ether easier than others. Researchers at Waddiche Academy discovered Ether can travel through human bodies but it is often degraded as it passes. A majority of humans degrade large amounts of Ether during this process and scientists have developed a scale to measure the purity of the ether returned called Ether Conduction Level which ranged from 0 to 1.
The purity of Ether Conduction was quickly discovered to be very rare among Earth's population. 95% of humans had a Conduction Level below .5. 4% were between .5 and .6 and 0.00003% were above .7.
Researchers at the Academy have discovered a rare few individuals with extremely high Conduction Levels. now 5 in total have been located with levels above .9. With 4 of those being discovered within the last year and a half.

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The vast use and information on Ether continue to expand and more research and experiments are done.
Some of the most recent research seeks to use Ether to:
  • Understand the effect Ether has on Languages including the universal "Bable"
  • Track movements within Limbo by reading Ether levels of Flume Gems that were taken there
  • Expand the capabilities of Flume Constructs
  • Understanding how Ether functions in other planes and if there is interaction or differences between Ether found across planes
Ether energy was one of the first things detected after the First Invasion. This energy source has built into large quantities throughout Earth's history and had not until recently been used.


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