Learn Magic

Mebbeth, and old healer in Ragpicker's Square, was convinced by The Nameless One to help him learn magic.   She sent us to the market to shop for herbs that arose from a spiked seed, and she gave TNO a seed.   The local vendors knew of no one that would sell what we needed, but directed us to ask Mourns for Trees for help.   He suggested it might grow if we cared enough to encourage it to do so. TNO therefore concentrated on the seed and willed it to grow, and it promptly sprouted barbed twigs that encircled his wrist.   Returning to Mebbeth to remove the vine from TNO's wrist, she told him to “will” it off, and again this worked. A bit more concentration was enough to then form the spiked vines into a frame for a picture.   Mebbeth then asked the party to find Giscorl, to get some cloth for washing. He was spindly and man with arms and hands that looked as if they had been terribly burned. He handed over a pile of rags starched stiff with a greenish lime.   Finally she asked us to retrieve inks from a merchant called Kossah-Jai. She was an old crone with a stench of fish, and in fact that was what she sold – fish, and fish heads. She told me the ink I sought could be obtained from the gills of a brogota-fin, and directed me to the fish merchant Meir’am.   Returning to Mebbeth again, she was peeling the rags apart, into a parchment like page, then fixed it on the barbed vine frame. She copied odd text onto the page and presented it to The Nameless One, along with a few other pieces of text for him to copy.   She explained this was TNO's Spellbook, and that he could memorise spells each night from its pages.
Completion Date
Session 5